Piet mondriaan composition with large red plane black greay and blue 1921

Modernism and Postmodernism

By ecouret
  • publication of modernism

    publication of modernism
    this is a poem can "the wasteland" written by T.S. Eliot. This poem is about the devastating aftereffects of world war 2.
  • creation of modernism

    creation of modernism
    this painting is called "American Gothic" by grant wood. their faces are stretched out because this is a style called carpenter Gothic.
  • publication of postmodernism

    publication of postmodernism
    this novel is called "to kill a mocking bird" it fits well with postmodernist because it depicts how people reacted to the events of modern era.
  • creation of postmodernism

    creation of postmodernism
    this is an artwork is called the Marilyn diptych, it was made by Andy Warhol. the image that is copied over and over again can represent multiplication.
  • recording of modernism

    recording of modernism
    they is a song called "my way" it was made by frank sintra. this song represents all of his life and it can represent a stream of consciousness because he the one that experienced it.
  • recording of postmodernism

    recording of postmodernism
    the song is called hotline bling by drake. this song represents parodying because this song was sampled from another song.