
Modern World Timeline

  • 1347

    Black Death Strikes Europe

    Black Death Strikes Europe
    The black death first enters Europe in Messina causing the plague that would ravange the land
  • 1406

    Madonna and Child with Two Angels is Painted

    Madonna and Child with Two Angels is Painted
    A renaissance painting by Filippo Lippi in Tempera paint on a wooden panel
  • 1440

    Printing Press is Invented

    Printing Press is Invented
    The printing press is invented by Gutenburg
  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus "discovers" the Caribbean islands

    Christopher Columbus "discovers" the Caribbean islands
    Christopher Columbus in an attempt to find a quicker way to get to india sails towards the Americas setting anchor is the Caribbean islands.
  • 1508

    Copernicus Builds his First Heliocentric Model

    Copernicus Builds his First Heliocentric Model
    Copernicus first theroized heliocentric theroy and is 1508 he built his first model of it
  • 1517

    Martin Luther Publishes the 95 Theses

    Martin Luther Publishes the 95 Theses
    Martin Luther publishes his 95 reasons why the Roman Catholic Church is unethical, hypocritical, and needs to change itś ways
  • 1543

    Vesalius publishes 'De Humani Corporis Fabrica

    Vesalius publishes 'De Humani Corporis Fabrica
    Vesalius published 'De Humani Corporis Fabrica'. The book was based largely on human dissection, and transformed anatomy into a subject that relied on observations taken directly from human dissections.
  • 1550

    Venus and Adonis is Painted

    Venus and Adonis is Painted
    A Painting by a man named Titian
  • Galileo Invents the Telescope

    Galileo Invents the Telescope
    Galileo took the invention known as the spyglass and perfected it to create the telescope.
  • Shakespeare Opens the Globe Theatre

    Shakespeare Opens the Globe Theatre
    Shakespeare opens the Globe Theater in which all his newest plays are preformed.
  • William Harvey Fully Details the Human Circulatory System

    William Harvey Fully Details the Human Circulatory System
    William Harvey describes the human circulatory system in detail on paper.
  • Sir Issac Newton Publishes his Most Famous Book

    Sir Issac Newton Publishes his Most Famous Book
    he published Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy), which has been called the single most influential book on physics.Aug 1, 2017

    Basically theres a lot of people who want tulips
  • The Boston Massacre Occurs

    The Boston Massacre Occurs
    The firing of British soldiers into a hostile crowd of people occurs and it is exaggerated to help gain the revolution a following
  • The Declaration of Independence is Written

    The Declaration of Independence is Written
    The declaration of independence is written by Thomas Jefferson and signed by the founding fathers
  • The French Revolution Begins

    The French Revolution Begins
    The French Revolution begins
  • The Mormon Church is Founded

    The Mormon Church is Founded
    Joseph Smith founds the Mormon church
  • The First Phone is Invented

    The First Phone is Invented
    The first basic phone is invented.
  • The American Civil War Begins

    The American Civil War Begins
    The American Civil War begins in America when the confederate states declare war
  • The Anglican Church is Founded

    The Anglican  Church is Founded
    King Henry wanted a divorce so he created the Anglican church
  • The First Car is Made

    The First Car is Made
    The first car is made although the creator is disputed
  • The Opus Majus is Published By Roger Bacon

    The Opus Majus is Published By Roger Bacon
    It was written to explain the sciences that Mr.Bacon was studying