Italian Wars
King Charles VII of France invaded Italy which began a series of wars between France in Spain fighting over the Italian Peninsula. -
Edict of Worms
Charles issued the Edict of Worms which stated that no empires is allowed to shelter or provide Martin Luther with aid. -
Oct 31, 1517
Martin Luther writes the 95 Theses
Martin Luther wrote the 95 Theses in response to Johann Tezel claiming to sell indulgences. -
Peasant's War
German peasants became very upset about high taxes and lack or power while Reformation preachers supported the idea of freedom, so in 1524 tens of thousands of German peasants stormed castles called monasteries. -
Swiss Civil War
In 1531, a war broke out between Swiss Protestants and Catholics where Huldrych Zwingli lost his life. -
Act of Supremacy in England
The Act of Supremacy stated that Henry VII was the supreme head on earth of the Church of England. -
Anabaptist settle in Münster
Dutch Anabaptist began to settle in Münster after having a large following. -
Thomas Moore executed
Thomas Moore failed to accept the Act of Supremacy, and was executed. -
Jesuit order founded
The Jesuits focused on teaching/founding schools throughout Europe, converting non-Christians to Catholicism, and to stop the spread of Protestantism. -
John Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion
John Calvin wrote the Institutes of the Christian Religion about his Protestant beliefs and how God selects on a few people to save from salvation called the "elects." -
Start of Roman Inquisition
The Start of Roman Inquisition was when the Catholic Church established a Church court called the Roman Inquisition. The purpose was to impose religious uniformity against people who had converted. They used harsh teachings and tortue to force confessions. -
Council of Trent
The Council of Trent is where Catholic bishops and cardinals agreed on several doctrines that stated that the Church's interpretation of the Bible was final, Christians need faith and good works for salvation, the Bible and Church tradition were equally powerful authorities for guiding Christian life, and indulgences where valid expressions of faith, but selling indulgences where banned. -
Peace of Augsburg
Charles V fought against the Protestants but was unsuccessful in making them go back to the Catholic Church. He then ordered all Protestants and German Princes to Augsburg where each ruler would decide the religion of his state. -
Reign of Elizabeth I
Elizabeth I helped create the Church of England or the Anglican Church which welcomed both Protestants and Catholics into the same church. -
Scotland becomes Calvinist
Protestants nobles that are led by John Knox made Calvinism Scotland's official religion. -
Aug 24, 1572
St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre
There was constant violence between Huguenots(Calvin's followers) and Catholics but in Paris on St. Bartholomew's Day, Catholic mobs hunted for Protestants to murder them. This mascara spread to other cities and lasted 6 months. -
Edict of Nantes
After fighting for years against the Catholics, the fight ended when their leader Henry of Navarre became Catholic. Henry's Edict of the Nantes gave religious freedom to all the Protestants.