modern world history timeline

  • The First Gulf War

    The First Gulf War
    This war was also know as Operation Dessert Storm. On January 16 1991, President George H. W. Bush announced this military operation to get rid of Iraqi forces from Kuwait.
    "The Atlantic. January 14 2016"
  • World Trade Center Bombing

    World Trade Center Bombing
    Terrorists put a 1200 pound bomb in a Ryder truck and parked it underneath the World Trade Center. Six people were killed but thousands were injured. Six of the terrorist were arrested but the 7 was never caught "CNN library"
  • Oklahoma city bombing

    Oklahoma city bombing
    Terrorist Timothy McVeigh set off a truck packed with explosives parked outside a federal building in Oklahoma city. One hundred sixty eight people were killer including 19 young children. More than 650 others were injured. "History Channel"
  • United States involvement in Serbia

    United States involvement in Serbia
    United States led NATO in a 2 month bombing of Yugoslavia. Serbian president Milosevic was accused of mass killing and "ethnic cleansing". " may 13 1999"
  • The attack on the USS cole

    The attack on the USS cole
    A U.S Navy destroyer was bombed by 2 suicide al Quada terrorists in Yemen. Seventeen sailors were killed and 38 wounded. "history channel"
  • Invasion of Afghanistan

    Invasion of Afghanistan
    This was Americas longest involvement in war, it lasted 13 years. After 9/11 attacks on the U.S. our leaders wanted to crush the Taliban military. The Taliban was providing al-Qaeda safety. This war was supposed to help the Afghan take back control of their country. "Encyclopedia Britannica"
  • 911

    This was the worst terrorist attack on U.S soil. Almost 3000 people were killed when 19 Islamic al Quada extremist hijacked 4 airplanes and flew them into the twin towers in New York City, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania. " "
  • Invasion of Iraq

    Invasion of Iraq
    George W. Bush and coalition forces from the united kingdom began military operation to disarm Iraq and force their cruel dictator Saddam Hussein to leave Iraq. The war ended on May 1 2003. Saddam Hussein escaped but was found and eventually executed on December 30 2006. "
  • Fort Hood Shooting

    Fort Hood Shooting
    Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan shot and killed 12 people and wounded 31 others at Fort Hood military base in Texas. This terrorist was shot at the scene but survived, and paralyzed. One theory for his motive was that he was a Muslim and going to be deployed to Afghanistan and didn't want to kill other Muslims.

  • Parkland Florida School Shooting

    Parkland Florida School Shooting
    Student Nikolas Cruz shot and killed 17 people and wounded 17 others at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. He was a former student that had been kicked out. He was arrested and this case is still in trial. "