Italian Wars
The control of Italy bounced back and fourth between the two powers. The war started because King Charles VII invaded Italy. -
Martin Luther Writes 95 Theses
Tetzel raised money to rebuild the church by selling indulgences, which gave people the impression they could buy their way into heaven. -
Swiss Civil War
The Swiss Civil War was a war between Swiss Protestants and Catholics which Zwingli passed during. -
Edict of Worms
The Edict Of Worms was issued by Charles and it declared Luther an heretic because of his beliefs and because they went against the teachings of the church. -
Peasants War
peasants were becoming disgruntled by the high taxes and little power because of this they stormed castles and monasteries. -
Anabasptists settle in Münster
Anabasptists taught that the church and state should be more separate. Anabasptists fled and settled in Münster because Protestants started to persecute them. -
Act of Supremacy in England
The Act of Supremacy named Henry the supreme head of the English church -
John Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion
Institutes of the Christian Religion was a book written by John Calvin that expressed ideas about God, human nature and salvation. The book was based off of Protestant beliefs. -
Jesuit order founded
Jesuit had three missions. One founded schools throughout Europe. Two was to convert all non-Christians to Christians. And Third was to stop the spread of protestant. -
Start of Roman Inquisition
The Start of Roman Inquisition was to impose religious uniformity. The Roman used very harsh methods to do so. -
Council of Trent
Council of Trent was a council at the Catholic Church and it was an answer to the remormation. At the Council of Trent Bishops and cardinals agreed on the doctrines. -
Peace of Augsburg
Peace of Augsburg was a religious settlement that religion was decided by each sates ruler in order to keep Augsburg at peace. -
Reign of Elizabeth I (1558)
The Anglican Church was to be the only legal church in England with Elizabeth as the head of the church. The church is to please both moderate Protestants and moderate Catholics. -
Scotland becomes Calvinist
When Calvin went back to Scotland he spread his ideas and work. Protestant nobles led by John Knox made Calvinism the religion. -
St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre
St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre is when Catholic mobs started hunting for protestants, then murdering them. -
Edict of Nantes
Edict of Nantes is what granted religious freedom to Protestants.