Italian Wars
A war between Spain and Italy for the Italian Peninsula, in which Europe and several popes eventually became involved. It spread the ideas of the Italian Renaissance. -
Oct 31, 1517
Martin Luther Writes 95 Theses
Luther wrote the 95 theses to oppose Tetzel for selling indulgences, (pardons for sin,) because it went against Luther's religious beliefs. -
Edict Of Worms
The Edict of Worms was a decree that the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V, made that declared Luther an outlaw and forbid anyone from giving him food or shelter because his beliefs went against the Church. -
Peasant's Wars
Peasants stormed German castles and monasteries spurred by reformation preachers in response to little power and high taxes. Luther was accused of starting it but he spoke out against it which prevented it from becoming something bigger. -
Swiss Civil War
War between Swiss protestants and Catholics, in which Zwingli met his death. -
Anabaptists Settle in Münster
Anabaptists fled to Münster after being persecuted by both Protestants and Christians who viewed them as threats to society. John of Leiden and Jan Mathijs led the persecution of all non-Anabaptists there. In 1535 Catholics and Protestants captured the city but the Anabaptists survived. -
Act of Supremacy in England
When king Henry VIII made everyone take an oath accepting his divorce, his new marriage to Anne Boleyn, and that he was the head of the Catholic Church. -
Start of Roman Inquisition
A council to investigate and punish charges of heresy who sometimes targeted specific religious groups. -
Thomas More Executed
Thomas More refused to take the Act of Supremacy oath because of his religion, and he was was imprisoned in the Tower of London and executed. -
John Calvin's Institutes of The Christian Religion
A book published by John Calvin, which was a summary of protestant beliefs. It said that men and women were sinful by nature and that and that God chooses only a few "elect" people to save and that those people had been chosen since the beginning of time. -
Jesuit Order Founded
The Society Of Jesus founded by Ignatius of Loyola who focused on building schools, converting people to Catholicism, and stopping protestants. -
Council of Trent
The council that Paul III gathered at Trent who agreed on...
-The church's interpretation of the Bible was final
-Christians needed both faith and good works for salvation
-The Bible and church traditions were equally important
-Indulgences were valid but selling them was banned -
Peace of Augsburg
This was when King Charles V assembled all of the princes in Augsburg and said that each prince would decide the religion of his own territory, which put an end to the battles he was having with Protestant princes. -
Reign of Elizabeth 1
Elizabeth founded the Anglican Church, which she was at the head of. She made it the only legal church in England. Her church was protestant, but drew from both Catholic and protestant ideas. despite this, both protestants and catholics had issues with the church and catholics attempted to replace Elizabeth as head of the church. -
Scotland Becomes Calvinist
John Knox took Calvinism's ideas from Geneva and brought them to Scotland. Followers of Knox became known as presbyterians, and deposed their Catholic leader Mary for her infant son, James. -
Aug 24, 1572
St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre
When Catholic mobs hunted Huguenots, (followers of Calvin) and protestants, and murdered them. This went on for six months. -
Edict of Nantes
Edict from Henry of Navarre granting religious freedom to protestants.