Italian Wars
King Charles Vll of France invaded Italy, began a series of wars because France and Spain fought for control over the Italian Peninsula. -
Scotland becomes Calvinist
Scotland preacher John Knox but Calins ideas to work. Spread Calvinism around Scotland -
Oct 31, 1517
Martin Luther Writes 95 Theses
Luther wrote the 95 theses which were formal statements against Tetzel's actions. -
Edict of Worms
forbid anyone from sheltering or feeding Martin Luther -
Peasants' War
Peasants were mad because they had high taxes and lack of power. a large number of German peasants stormed castles and monasteries, this rebellion known as Peasants' War. -
Swiss Civil War
Zwingli's reforms were adopted in Zurich and other cities, this caused a bitter war between Swiss Protestants and Catholics. -
Anabaptists settle in Münster
Anabaptists viewed as radicals and started to be persecuted, fled and settled in Münster and ruled for a little. -
Act of Supremacy in England
The right of Henry Vlll overall head of the Church of England. -
Thomas More executed
More remained Catholic and refused to take oath, so Henry had him arrested and imprisoned, found guilty of high treason and executed. -
John Calvin's institutes of the Christian Religion
A book that expressed ideas about God, salvation and human nature. Humans cannot earn salvation -
Jesuit order founded
Focused on founding and teaching schools in Europe, convert non Christians to catholicism, and stop the spread of Protestantism. -
Start of Roman Inquisition
To fight Protestantism,Catholic church created church court called Roman Inquisition. Main purpose was to impose religious uniformity, especially to converted Muslims, Jews and later Protestants. -
Council of Trent
Where Catholic bishops and cardinals agreed on several doctrines: Churches interpretation of the Bible was final, Christians needed faith and good works for salvation, Bible and church tradition were equally powerful authorities for guiding Christian life, indulgences are valid expression of faith but cannot sell them. -
Peace of Augsburg
Famous religious settlement where German princes agreed that each ruler would decide a religion of his state. -
Reign of Elizabeth l
Return kingdom to Protestantism, and set up the England church called Anglican church which brought Catholic and pretests into the same church. -
St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre
Much hatred between Catholics and Huguenots which led to violence. the worst fight was the Catholic Feast of St. Bartholomew's Day, Catholic mobs would hunt down Protestants and kill them, massacres spread and lasted 6 months, many Huguenots killed. -
Edict of Nantes
Huguenots leader Henry of Navarre converted to catholic, ended the fights, Henrys Edict of Nantes granted religious freedom to Protestants.