Modern world

  • 1347

    Black Death

    Black Death
    When the black death came to Europe it spread and spread and killed a third of the population of Europe. This is important because not only did it kill so many people it also ended feudalism.
  • 1448

    Printing press

    Printing press
    The printing press was one of the most important inventions ever. This was invented by Johannes Guttenburg and this help many other thing s like the protestent revolution
  • 1514

    Copernicus he handed out his book

    Copernicus he handed out his book
    In 1514 Copernicus would hand out his book. This is so important because he changed a lot of peoples views on the universe
  • 1517

    95 theses

    95 theses
    The 95 theses were 95 things that he though that the church was doing wrong. These theses were very important because is spread like a wild fire and cause the protestant reformation.
  • 1519

    Mona lisa

    Mona lisa
    Mona Lisa is one of the moat famous paintings in the world. This painting was created by Leonardo da Vinci and is now hanging in the Lourve
  • 1534

    Angelican Church

    Angelican Church
    This Church was formed when a King in England wanted to divorce his wife. When the Church didn't let him he created his own religion.
  • 1541

    The last Judgement

    The last Judgement
    The last Judgement was created by Michelangelo. This painting shows people being chosen to go to heaven or to hell and is on a wall in the Sistine Chapel,
  • Apr 23, 1564

    Shakespeare's birthday

    Shakespeare's birthday
    This is the day that the most famous play writer in the world was born. This is so important because he is so important in all of our lives.
  • A Mid Summers Night's deream

    A  Mid Summers Night's deream
    This play was created of course by Shakespeare. This story is about a 4 lovers that go into the woods and get lost. These lovers include Lysander,Helena Demetrius and Hermia.
  • Galileo's Telescope

    Galileo's Telescope
    This telescope was a improved version of a spy glass but this could see much clearer. This telescope was very important because it started a new kind of astronomy called telescope astronomy.