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Modern Terror Timeline
LAX bombing - Los Angelos, California
The a Yugoslavian immigrant named Muharem Kurbegovic, known as the "Alphabet Bomber" is the terrorist of this attack. His main goal of the attack was to end immigration and naturalizaitions laws, and also laws about sex. It's said that he was a part of the group "Aliens of America", and this was a domestic terrorist attack. The bomging of the Pan Am Terminal at the Los Angelos International Airport resulted in three deaths and 8 people injured. -
AMIA Bombing - Buenos Aires, Argentina
The explosion of the Argentine Jewish Mutual Aid Association by a van loaded with ammonium nitrate fertilizer and fuel oil caused 85 deaths and more than 300 injuries. The Argentinian Government concluded that the Iranian government had planned and financed the attack, then had the Hezbollah carry out those plans. In realiaty Argentina just wanted to "resolve" the issue in the simplest way possible, the only issue is that the issue remains. -
Oklahoma City Bombing
An anti-government militant named Timonthy McVeigh, was a domestic terrorist who carried out a truck-bomb explosion outside the Alfred P, Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. This explosion resulted in 168 deaths and over 650 injuries. Over 300 buildings relative to the explosion were either severely damaged or destroyed. McVeigh had actually previously served in the Military, but after his early discharge he began to suspect the U.S. federal government -
U.S. Embassy Bombings - Nairobi, Kenya
The United States Embassy located in Nairobi, Kenya was attacked in a truck bombing. driven by suicide bombers. In Nairobi 213 peole were killed, and over 5,000 injured, many investigators linked this bombing to Osama Bin Ladin and the terrorist group "Al-Queda", whcih is a foreign group.The building of the US embassy was demolished. Many believed that the motives of this attack was due to America being involved in the torture of Egyptian Islamic Jihad in Albania. -
Madrid Train Bombings - Madrid, Spain
The more of March 11. 2004 ten bombs were set off in and around the Atocha Station in Madrid Spain. The mass bombing lead to 191 people dead, and more than 1,800 injured. The Nation immediately directed the attackers to the ETA, a Basque separatist organization who campaigns of violence. The mass bombing lead to 191 people dead, and more than 1,800 injured. After further investigation the Spanish government did find out that Islamic militants in Spain linked to the Al-Quada may have been a part -
Madrid Train Bombings (continued...)
of this particular attack. Since the Islamic terrorists were based in Spain, they'd be considered a domestic group. The attacks were conducted days after the Spanish general elections were held. Some sources indicate that the outcome of the elections had influenced this attack. -
Beslan School Siege - 1 Sep 2004
The Beslan School Siege occured in Beslan, North Ossetia, Russia. This seige lasted three days. Within those days over 300 people were injured of those peope 186 of them children. This attack was carried out by 32 heavily armed gunmen forcing majority of the people in the school inside the school building turning them into hostages. The goal of the terrorists were to have armed forces to be removed from Chechnya and for a group of arrested gunmen to be released. The officials declined the reques -
Algiers bombings - Algiers, Algeria
The bombing in Algiers, the capital of Algeria was located at the offices of the United Nations. Many people claimed that the attack was carried out by suicide bombers in vans, and are linked to the Al-Qauda, due to the fact that many of the recent bombings in the Algeria had been linked to this terrorist group, although it had never been completely established. It confirmed that there were a total of 22 deaths, some of those students passing by that morning on a school bus. -
Mumbai Bombings (continued...)
tourists, and taking them as hostages. A total of 22 foeigners were killed during this attack. Without further investigation the group of attackers were associated with the Al Qaeda -
The Mumbai Bombings - Mumbai, India
Mumbai is India's commercial captial, and this machine gun and grenade attack were focused in several locations in Mumbai, Two of Mumbai's luxury hotels, a cafe, the city's largest train station, a Jewish center, a movie theater and hospital. The group called "deccan Mujahideen" are said to have been behind these attacks, and at the time of the incident there had been nine attackers. Many of the places attacked were tourist areas, and the attackers actually singled out many Bristish and American -
Lindt Chocolat Cafe Hostage Crisis - Sydney, Austrailia
This hostage taking crisis was located in the Lindt Chocolat Cafe in Martin Place, Sydney, Australia. Haron Monis was the man behind this hostage taking, and was shot down, two hostages were also killed during the siege. This siege began on monday and ended early Tuesday morning on December 16th. According some Austrialian News, Monis was an Islamic "sheikh" and had been involed in dozens of sexual assaults, and the motives of his attack was caused by some legals actions directed towards him.