
Modern India Timeline

  • Great Rebellion

    Great Rebellion
    The events importance is that it led to a march, protesting to stop British government in Delhi. It also led up to Ghandi's civil disobedience and Salt March. After this, British gave India a small government
  • Great Rebellion

    Great Rebellion
    Great Rebellion
    It began as a mutiny by Bengal army soldiers, or sepoys, against their commanders in the army of the British East India Company. The rebellion came out the sepoy's long-held grievances about unfair assignments, low pay, limited opportunities for advancement, and were furious with what the British did to their rifles by putting pig and cow fat on the ends of the cartridges, both are offensive to Muslim and Hindu religion.
  • Arya Samaj

    Arya Samaj
    Arya Samaj
    Swami Dayananda finds the Arya Samaj, a Hindu religious reform movement calling for the rejection of rituals and starting the return of relaxation and times of easiness through adherence to the Vedas. This helped women gain more rights in society and in education a little, but gave men more chances of education, knowledge, and government jobs.
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    Indian National Congress

    The Indian National Congress was founded. It was central to India's independence movement and has been the dominant ruling party since 1947.
  • Bengal Partitioned

    Bengal Partitioned
    Bengal Partitioned
    Bengal is partitioned by the British into two new presidencies. One of which has a Muslim majority. In doing this, a movement came, the swadeshi (one's own country). Indians didnt want to depend on British goods, so they went on a strike and one's own country movement.
  • Muslim League

    Muslim League
    Muslim League
    The Muslim League was founded. It was to defend the rights of Muslims in India during British colonial rule. Protected political rights of the Muslims. Helped with stopping British rule and having Indian independence. A self-ruled government.
  • INC Split

    INC Split
    INC Split
    The Indian National Congress is split between Moderates, who believe in constitutional principles and seek reform, and Extremists who favor active opposition to British rule. It also includes boycotting of British goods and services, sometimes even violence. This led to the Partition of Bengal, and the Central Government shifted from Calcutta to Delhi.
  • Ghandi's Satyagraha

    Ghandi's Satyagraha
    Ghandi's first satyagraha. It's Hindi for "holding fast to the truth," or "truth force." Satyagraha was a form of civil disobedience against British rule in South Africa. This gave many future leaders, reformers, or activists a helping hand in what they thinks right. Just like Martin Luther King, Gandhi's satyagraha inspired him to do the same as in non-violent protests.
  • Amritsar Massacre

    Amritsar Massacre
    Amritsar Massacre
    One general open fired on innocent citizens. It gave more attention to the freedom movement. This massacre caused the killing of 379 men, women, and children. This massacre resulted in the mass Indian uprising and insurgence and ultimately led to the Indian Freedom. Made Indians boycott British goods.
  • Jawaharlal Nehru

    Jawaharlal Nehru
    Jawaharlal Nehru
    Jawaharlal Nehru became leader of Indian National Congress. Then Nehru became India's first prime minister in 1947. He implemented moderate socialist economic reforms and committed India to a policy of industrialisation. Nehru also developed a policy of 'positive neutrality' for India.
  • Lahore Resolution

    Lahore Resolution
    Lahore Resolution
    The Lahore Resolution, calling for a seperate Muslim state, is ratified by the Muslim League
  • Quit India Movement

    Quit India Movement
    Quit India Movement
    The Quit India Movement is launched by the Indian National Congress, advocating mass civil disobedience and an immediate end to British rule in India. This was non-cooperation with the British that the Indians used in WWII to gain independence.
  • Partition of India

    Partition of India
    Partition of India
    The Congress Party and Muslim League agree to the partition of India. The British Parliament passes the Indian Independence Act, providing for two independent dominions to be created, to be known as India and Pakistan.
  • Period: to

    India's Constitution

    India's Constitution
    India adopts a constitiuton. It incorporates ideas from Western democracies, including universal suffrage, freedom of the press, and freedom of speech. The constitution also guarantees citizens freedom from caste discrimination, although caste continues to strongly influence an individual's social status.
  • Indira Ghandi

    Indira Ghandi
    Indira Ghandi, Prime Minister
    Indira Ghandi, daughter of Jawaharlal Nehru, becomes prime minister of India. She takes good control of India, even though something happens later in her pime minister term. Her importance was her assassination and killed by her bodyguards. Her assassination led to better things for India.
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    "Emergency," is called by Indira Ghandi after she was convicted of illegal campaign practices. The democrats are suspended and jailed.