Period: to
British Wars in Afghanistan
Afghanistan stands betwen Russia and the India, a British colony. Briain attempts to colonize Afghanistan. Three wars take place during this time. The British are finally defeated in 1921. Afghanistan becomes an independent country. -
Afghanistan Ruled by a King
Zahir Shah becomes King of Afghanistan and rules from 1933-1973. His reign is remembered as a time of peace and stability. -
Friends with the Soviets
Afghanistan signs and agreement with Russia. Russia begins to provide military and economic aid to Afghanistan. -
The Monarchy Ends
Mohammed Daoud Khan, the King's cousin, overthrows the King and ends the Monarcy. Khan becomes President of Afghanistan, and establishes a communist government in Kabul. -
Khan is Killed. The Mujahadeen
Khan is killed by other communist leaders. Afghanistan becomes very unstable. Communist leaders are fighting with each other. And more conversative religious elements under the Mujahadeen are fighting with the communists. -
Period: to
Soviet Occupation
The Soviet Army invades Afghanistan to support the weak communist government there. Fighting erupts throughout the country. Mujahadeen fighters, armed by the United States, attack the Soveit Army. Osama Bin Laden is one of those fighters. During this time, 4.3 Afghans flee Afghanistan and settle elseshwere. -
Communism ends in Afghanistan
After the Soviet Army withdrew in 1989, Afghanstian again became an independent state. However, its communist government remained. In 1992, the Mujahadeen overthrew the communist government. Power struggles within the Mujahadeen led to a civil war in Afghanistan. -
The Taliban
The Taliban ends the civil war, takes over the government, and brings peace to Afghanistan. But the Taliban is very oppressive. The set up a religious state with strict moral laws. Public executions become commonplace. The Taliban provides support for Osama Bin Laden, founder of a terrorist group called Al Queda. Al Queda wishes to expand Islamic power in the Middle East. It begins its campaign to end U.S. activities in the Middle East. -
9/11 Attacks
Al Queda fighters hijack 4 planes in the United States. They fly two planes into the World Trade Center in New York City. One plane hits the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia. And the final plane lands in a field in Pennsylvania. Over 4,000 Americans are killed in the attacks. -
The United States Invades Afghanistan
In response to the 9/11 attacks, the United States invades Afghanistan. The goal is to destory Al Queda and overthrow the Taliban. -
The Taliban Defeated; Karzai become President
After the United States defeated the Taliban, Hamid Karzai becomes the first democratically elected President of Afghanistan.