
Modern Computer Timeline

  • Z1 Computer

    Z1 Computer
    The z1 computer was made as the first electric calculator. It is important because it is the first modern computer made
  • pong- the first video game

    pong- the first video game
    Pong was the first video game ever made. it is important because it the first 2-d arcade game.
  • First personal computer

    First personal computer
    This is the first personal computer. It is important for it made computers become more advanced rapidly.
  • 1st laptop

    1st laptop
    This is the first laptop. It is important for making computers more portable.
  • Nintento 64

    Nintento 64
    Nintendo 64 is the first 3 dimensional background video game system. It is important for making new advancements in technology.
  • 1st Ipod

    1st Ipod
    The 1st Ipod came out in 2001. It was incredible for its storage of music. it is important because it was the 1st miniature device that could hold 8 GB.
  • Wii

    The Wii was the first video game system to have motion detectors and hand movement. It is important for making motion detectors becoming more advanced.
  • 1st Iphone

    1st Iphone
    The Iphone is an advanced handheld device for music, internet, calling and more. it is important because of advancements to touchscreen and handheld computers became popular.
  • 1st Ipad

    1st Ipad
    The Ipad made it so touch screens were large. It is important for making multi-touch.
  • Kinect

    Kinect is the 1st video game station where your the controller. it is important because sensor detectors have gotten stronger.