Modern America & WW1 (1914-1928)

By smdietz
  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated
    By a Serbia Nationalist, which led to the start of WW1.
  • Blank Check

    Blank Check
    Kaiser of Germany, Wilhelm II, pledges support to Austria-Hungary and offers a blank check as to whatever action they choose to do with their conflict with Serbia.
  • Ten-Point Ultimatum

    Ten-Point Ultimatum
    Austria-Hungary sent Serbia a ten point ultimatum , final set of harsh demands, on July 23 with 2 days to respond. Unwilling to comply with every demand, A-H declined Serbia and declared war on July 28.
  • Period: to

    Countries At War

    1 - Germany declares war on Russia.
    3 - Germany declares war on France.
    4 - Germany declares on Belgium; Britain declares war on Germany
    5 - Austria-Hungary declares war on Russia
    10 - France declares on Austria-Hungary
    12 - Britain declares war on Austria-Hungary
  • Lusitania Sinking

    Lusitania Sinking
    Germany submarines sinks a ship containing 128 Americas that all died. Happened because of Germany not wanting the U.S. to smuggle supplies.
  • Italy against Austria-Hungary

    Italy against Austria-Hungary
    Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary and enters the war.
  • United States against Germany

    United States against Germany
    United States cuts all ties with Germany because Germany went back to unrestricted submarine warfare.
  • U.S. Enter the War

    U.S. Enter the War
    U.S. declares war on Germany officially entering WW1, 3 years after it started.
  • American Troops Arrive

    American Troops Arrive
    American troops start to arrive in Europe.
  • Presenting the 14 Points

    Presenting the 14 Points
    President Woodrow Wilson presents outline of 14th points to Congress for peace.
  • Battle of Cantigny

    Battle of Cantigny
    U.S. is victorious against the Germans. Was the first independent American operation.
  • America Stops German Forces

    America Stops German Forces
    America stops German forces in their attempt in crossing the Marne River at Chateau-Thierry. Turning point in WW1, as it stopped the German forces from capturing France and their capital.
  • St. Mihiel Attack

    St. Mihiel Attack
    America's first army attack St. Mihiel. Significant because first major offensive by the U.S. and hindered rail communications between Paris and eastern front Germany
  • Agreement of 14 Points

    Agreement of 14 Points
    U.S. and allied countries agree to 14 points except for Britain and France who express reservations about 2 of the points.
  • End of WW1

    End of WW1
    Germany signs the Armistice at Compiegne ending WW1.
  • 18th Amendment

    18th Amendment
    Congress passes the 18th amendment, the prohibition of alcohol.
  • Treaty of Versailles & Guarantee

    Treaty of Versailles & Guarantee
    Allied and German represented at Treaty of Versailles. United States signs treaty of Guarantee pledging to protect France in unprovoked attacks by Germany.
  • U.S. Concerns with Treaty of Versailles

    U.S. Concerns with Treaty of Versailles
    United States doesn't sign Treaty of Versailles due to concern of infringing on Congresses power to declare war.
  • U.S. Declines Again

    U.S. Declines Again
    U.S. fails to ratify the Treaty of Versailles again for the 2nd time. However, signs a separate peace treaty with Germany, Austria, and Hungary.
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    U.S. Congress ratifies the 19th Amendment giving America woman the right to vote.
  • 29th President of the U.S.

    29th President of the U.S.
    Warren G. Harding gets elected as the 29th President of the U.S.
  • Period: to

    Washington Naval Conference

    Called by the United States gathering world's largest naval powers-USA, Britain, Japan, France, and Italy-to hopefully elevate the tensions growing in East Asia.
  • 30th President of the U.S.

    30th President of the U.S.
    President Harding dies which leads to Vice president Calvin Coolidge finishing the term and get reelected as the 30th president.
  • Immigration Act Basic Law

    Immigration Act Basic Law
    Limited the amount of immigrators allowed in the U.S. through quota and excluded immigrants from Asia.
  • Amelia Earhart

    Amelia Earhart
    Amelia Earhart awarded a medal of recognition for her transatlantic flight and was named first woman in history to fly across the Atlantic.