Modern Age

  • 1469

    Isabel I of Castilla and Fernando II of Aragón got married

    Isabel I of Castilla and  Fernando II of Aragón got married
  • 1475

    Battle of Toros

    Battle of Toros
    In this battle death Enrique IV and Juana La Beltraneja
  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus discover America

    Christopher Columbus discover America
    Christopher Columbus discover America but he thought it was Asia.
    But years later Américo Vespucio showed that those
    lands were not part of Asia, but belonged to a new continent, which they called
  • 1492

    The Modern Age starts

  • 1492

    The Catholic Kings complete the Reconquista

    The Catholic Kings complete the Reconquista
    When the Catholic Kings complete the reconquista they conquered Granada
  • 1492

    Expulsion of the Jews

  • 1516

    Charles I acceded to the trone

  • 1520

    Charles I Revolt of the Communities in Castile

  • 1521

    Hernán Cortés and Francisco Pizarro conquered Peru and Mexico

  • 1571

    Battle of Lepanto

    Felipe II defeated France in several conflicts and then conquered the Turks at the Battle of
  • Carlos II died

    Carlos II died without leaving successor
  • War of Reconquista

    Felipe de Anjou was proclaimed King of Spain as Felipe V by Charles II in his testament
  • End of the war of reconquista

  • Fernando IV died

  • Charles III

  • The end of the Modern Age

  • The end of the reign of Charles IV