Invasion of Afghan by the Soviets
On December 24, 1979, Afghanistan was invaded by the Soviet Union which involved a treaty from they year 1978 called the Soviet Afghan Friendship.
picture - dingeengoete.blogspot.com -
Soviets to withdraw from Afghanistan
Four nations signed an agreement to get Soviet forces out of Afghanistan which were the U.S., Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Representatives of USSR.
Picture- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Mortar_attack_on_Shigal_Tarna_garrison,_Kunar_Province,_87.jpg -
More Affairs in Afghanistan
Much more attention was focused on this specific date that involved the Geneva Accords too.
picture- http://www.findingdulcinea.com/news/on-this-day/Feb/On-this-Day--Soviet-Troops-Leave-Afghanistan.html -
Peshawar Accord
The Peshawar Accord was signed on this date and it was a very powerful agreement.
http://www.reachinformation.com/define/Peshawar%20Accord -
A President Surrenders
On June 28, 1992, a president named Sibgatullah Mojadedi had gave up his power to Burhanuddin Rabbani.
http://globalpartnersinternational.com/wherewework/afghanistan/history-of-afghanistan/ -
Mazari Murdered
Mazari with his nine followers were all murdered by a tribe or group called the Taliban.
http://www.afghan-web.com/bios/yest/mazari.html -
Kabul Falls
There were known rivals in Kabul, which lead to a Civil War that soon lead to an alliance called the United Front.
picture - http://www.rawa.org/temp/runews/2009/01/01/a-day-afghans-will-always-remember.phtml -
Taliban forces enter Kabul
The country Afghanistan falls to the Taliban militia forces after fighting for three straight days.
picture - http://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2010-10-09-take-a-historical-trip-to-a-possible-future-in-kabul/ -
U.S. vs. Osama
On August 20, the U.S. had made an attempt to retaliate Bill Laden for his actions in East Africa.
http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/binladen/bombings/retaliation.html -
Mas'ud killed
Mas'ud was killed by disguised men pretending to be journalists who used a hidden explosive.
http://www.rferl.org/content/article/1071196.html -
Taliban refuses ultimatum
President Bush sends a demand to the Taliban to give to Osama Bill Laden but refuse it.
http://www.pbs.org/newshour/indepth_coverage/asia/afghanistan/archive/archive3.html -
UN Talks On Afghanistan
U.S. troops and other types of troops were fighting with special forces and injured in the last stronghold of the Taliban in Afghanistan.
http://edition.cnn.com/2001/WORLD/asiapcf/central/12/05/ret.bombing.casualties/ -
Bush Visits Afghanistan
President Bush of the United States comes and meets with troops in the country of Afghanistan.
http://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/news/releases/2008/12/images/20081215-1_d-0034-3-515h.html -
Karzai For President
Hamis Karzai won fifty five percent of the the vote in Afghanistan in the first presidential election.
picture- http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/afghanistan/5080797/Hamid-Karzai-signs-law-legalising-rape-in-marriage.html -
Top Taliban Commander killed
Mullah Dadullah was the Taliban's leader or commander who was killed in a planned out operation by Afghan troops and American troops too.
picture- http://www.the-two-malcontents.com/2007/05/top-taliban-military-commander-mullah-dadullah-killed/