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Model Sizes Over the Years

  • Period: to

    BMI Over the Years

  • Post War

    Post War
    During this time the average BMI for women was 23.6. The average BMI for models at this time was 20.
  • Twiggy

    The average woman's BMI was 25.2, while the models average BMI was 15.
  • Thin is In

    Thin is In
    The average BMI for women was 24.9 and the average BMI for models was 16
  • Supermodels and Hard Bodies

    Supermodels and Hard Bodies
    The Average BMI for women was 25 while the average BMI for models was 16.
  • Heroin Chic

    Heroin Chic
    Women's average BMI was 27.5 while the models' BMI averaged to 15.6
  • The Shrinking Woman

    The Shrinking Woman
    The average BMI for women now is 29.4 and the average model BMI is 15.