
By 23lwyke
  • era of jazz

    era of jazz
    the new form of music called jazz became popular in speakeasies where people would go to drink during prohibition. it was important to the decade because it was a symbol in the culture of the time, and especially had a strong impact on the youth of the time
  • the scopes trial

    the scopes trial
    in this trial ahigh school teacher was put on trial for teaching the theory of evolution in his classroom. this was important to the decade because it was the result of a cultural war, in which there was a considerable amount of disagreement when it came to the origin of man.
  • first long-distance use of TV.

    first long-distance use of TV.
    the first long distance TV signal was used to communicate from DC to NYC. this was important because it cemented the fact that TV was an important step forwards in human technology, and potentially convinced companies that this is a technology worth investing in.
  • Charles lindberg crossed the atlantic

    Charles lindberg crossed the atlantic
    cherles lindberg flew his plane the spirit of st luis across the atlantic ocean. although many had done it before him, he was in the public eye. this was important because it showed that commercial transatlantic flight would soon become a reality, and stocks in aviation skyrocketed upon his return.
  • the great crash

    the great crash
    the stock market crashed, throwing the united states into an economic disaster. this event is important because it shaped the economy for a very long while
  • tariff act

    tariff act
    the united states placed a tariff on foreign goods, and in response other countries did the same. this wears important because it was a factor that did not help the already weak economy.
  • empire state building opens

    empire state building opens
    the empire state building was built to be the tallest in the world. this is important its a symbol of American power and engineering, and gave people something to be proud of.
  • japan and Germany withdraw from league of nations

    japan and Germany withdraw from league of nations
    japan and Germany withdraw from the league of nations, potentially foreshadowing something big coming. this was important because it increased tensions, and set the stage for the events that were to come.
  • neutrality act of 1930's

    neutrality act of 1930's
    this act was passed in response to the conflict in Europe, stating that we would not get involved. this was important because it created a divide among citizens of the USA, and allowed the expanse of German power to some extent.
  • WWII begins

    WWII begins
    Germany invaded Poland, beginning the official beginning of WWII. this was important because the following war went on for a long time and had significant impact onto large portions of the world.
  • attack on pearl harbour

    attack on pearl harbour
    the Japanese lead a surprise attack on the USA's naval base in pearl harbor. this is important because it draws the united states into the war and out of neutrality.
  • Germany surrenders

    Germany surrenders
    soviet troops captured berlin and Germany surrendered. this was important because it marked the end of WWII
  • USA drops nukes on Nagasaki and Hiroshima

    USA drops nukes on Nagasaki and Hiroshima
    to prevent further US casualties that would be necessary for a land invasion of japan, USA dropped nukes on two of Japan's cities, killing hundreds of thousands.
  • United nations was formed

    United nations was formed
    the leauge of nations is formed. this is important because it made future communication between countries better and strengthened ties between them.
  • Ghandi was assasinated

    Ghandi was assasinated
    ghandi was killed by Hindu extremists who opposed his tolerance of the Muslims. this was important because he was a symbol of peace, and his assassination's was felt by alot of people