Mona lisa

Mod 13-14 SE-KB-MS-ML-AP

  • Jan 1, 1386


    Famous for many things including the youthful sculpture of David in Florence. He was the greatest sculptor of the 15th century.
  • Jan 1, 1400


    Girls were sent to schools that taught them how to read, by making them read books on how to have good manners.
  • Apr 23, 1400


    Some guys were sent to universities that taught them basic things like reading and writing. Girls were sent to schools that taught them how to read, by making them read books on how to have good manners.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1401 to


    When the Renaissance began and ended
  • Jan 1, 1452

    Leonardo Da Vinci

    Leonardo Da Vinci
    He was known as the ultimate renaissance man because he was many things such as an inventor and artist and scientist.
  • Jan 1, 1475


    He was the greatest artist of his time. Between the years of 1508-1512 he painted the ceillings of the Sistine Chapel in Rome.
  • Jan 1, 1483


    Raphael made the School of Athens and was also made the Galatea. Raphael was a painter, designed buildings, and studied the ruins of Rome.
  • Jan 1, 1510


    Most of his paintings were in religious nature. He painted pictures of his family and religious pictures.
  • Inventions- Microscope

    Inventions- Microscope
    The first useful microscope was developed in the Netherlands between 1590 and 1608. Three different eyeglass makers are given credit for this invention. The inventor was probably Hans Lippershey who developed the first real telescope, or Hans Janssen and his son Zacharias.
  • Humanism

    The term "humanism" was coined in 1808 by a German
    educator, F. J. Niethammer, to describe a program of study distinct from scientific and
    engineering educational programs.
  • Humanism

    Humanism is what people thought the information was without relying on science and technology. It is all those educational disciplines outside of theology and natural science.
  • Gun Powder

    Gun Powder
    The Chinese usedgunpowder in the early 1230's to launch fireworks and in weapons