
Mock Trial Timeline

  • Jacobitus Joined Crew

    Pardalis Jacobitus signed letter agreement to record documentary
  • Sylvestris saved Barry

    Sylvestris saved Barry Bazaar from cheetah attack
  • Period: to

    Sylvestris & Barry Argument

    Sylvestris and Barry had argued over rotten meat.
  • Sylvestris Sent Everyone on Tasks

    Sylvestris ordered everyone except herself and Barry Bazaar to pick up supplies for the sanctuary the night of April 30.
  • (7:30 pm) Jacobitus Left Sanctuary

    Pardalis Jacobitus left the sanctuary with crew to go drink on Thursday night
  • (11:00 pm) Last GPS ping from boat

    The last GPS ping was sent from Barry Bazaar's boat
  • (1:30 am) Jacobitus returns to sanctuary

    Pardalis Jacobitus returns from drinking Friday morning
  • Barry Is Missing

    No one could locate Barry Bazaar.
  • (Morning) Wicat's Cage Was Clean

    Pardalis Jacobitus noticed that Wicat's cage had been cleaned with bleach
  • Jacobitus Conversation with Kip

    Jacobitus told Kip that if they didn't hear from Barry Bazaar, Jacobitus would show police conversation with Sylvestris (Kip does not remember conversation.)
  • Period: to

    Coast Guard Search

    Coast Guard searched Roy & Siegfried Islands