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  • Terrorist Attack on US 9/11

    Terrorist Attack on US 9/11
    Al- Qaeda hijacks four commercial airplanes in a coordinated terrorist attack against the US
  • Patriot Act introduced to Congress

    Patriot Act introduced to Congress
  • Patriot Act signed into Law

  • Terrorist Information & Prevention System announced

  • Data mining & profiling project made public

  • Total Information Awareness funding eliminated

  • ACLU opposes Patriot Act

    ACLU opposes Patriot Act
  • Dept of Homeland Security established

    Dept of Homeland Security established
  • NYT exposes unjust wiretapping program

  • President Bush reauthorizes Patriot Act

  • Protect America Act passed

    removes warrant requirement for surveillance of international communications
  • President Bush issues NSI

    National Strategy for Information Sharing
  • Freedom of Information Act

    Freedom of Information Act
    Filed by ACLU to learn about cell phone tracking
  • Operation Darkening Clouds

    ACLU files to recieve records about this secret data mining program
  • ACLU files for information on eGuardian

    Used to monitor 'suspicious activity reports' (SAR) which includes, using binoculars, taking notes, and drawing charts.
  • 4 yr. extension of expiring Patriot Act provisions