Terrorist Attack on US 9/11
Al- Qaeda hijacks four commercial airplanes in a coordinated terrorist attack against the US -
Patriot Act introduced to Congress
Patriot Act signed into Law
Terrorist Information & Prevention System announced
Data mining & profiling project made public
Total Information Awareness funding eliminated
ACLU opposes Patriot Act
Dept of Homeland Security established
NYT exposes unjust wiretapping program
President Bush reauthorizes Patriot Act
Protect America Act passed
removes warrant requirement for surveillance of international communications -
President Bush issues NSI
National Strategy for Information Sharing -
Freedom of Information Act
Filed by ACLU to learn about cell phone tracking -
Operation Darkening Clouds
ACLU files to recieve records about this secret data mining program -
ACLU files for information on eGuardian
Used to monitor 'suspicious activity reports' (SAR) which includes, using binoculars, taking notes, and drawing charts. -
4 yr. extension of expiring Patriot Act provisions