President Mckinley is fatally shot
Violin and Pipe
Violin and Pipe by George Braque 1913 Mixed media, paper, pencil on paper -
Suffragettes in London
Head by Pablo Picasso Charcoal, collage -
World War 1 begins
World War 1 ends
Figure Ambigue
Figure Ambigue by Max Ernst 1919 Gouache, water colour, collage -
Prohibition in America is adopted
Madonna of War
Madonna of War by Erwin Blumenfeld with pencil, ink, watercolour and collage. -
Espagnole et agneau de l'apocalypse
Espagnole et Agneau de l'apocalypse by Francis Picabia
Made with gouache, ink, water colour and paper -
First Mickey Mouse animation is released
Penguin paperback books are published
The Reaper
The Reaper by Eileen Agar
Made with gouache and a leaf -
World war 2 begins
Winston Churchill becomes British Prime Minister
World War 2 ends
Mahatma Gandhi is assassinated
Andromeda: Grand Hotel de l'Observatoire
Andromeda: Grand Hotel de l'Observatoire by Joseph Cornell
Made with a box, glass, wood covered in paint and paper, chain, cut and pasted photographs and a metal rod. -
Rosa Parks refuses to give up bus seat
Winter Pool
Winter Pool by Robert Rauschenberg
Made with Oil paint, paper, fabric, metal, wood, printed reproductions, fond painting on two canvas' with a ladder -
Untitled by Alfonso Ossorio
Made with Mixed Media on panel -
John F. Kennedy is assassinated
Martin Luther King's "I have a dream speech"
Mass protests against the draft
Homosexuality is partially legalised
Frazer's Hog Cay #18
Frazer's Hog Cay by Jane Frank
Made with oil, stones on fabric and canvas -
Patchwork Quilt
Patchwork Quilt by Romare Bearden
Made with pasted cloth and paper with synthetic polymer paint on a composition board -
Margaret Thatcher becomes the first female British prime minister
H.R. XXIX by Rhea Carmi
Made with mixed media on panel -
My Parents, Their Children
My Parents, Their Children by Lubaina Himid
Made with acrylic, mixed media and canvas -
Tim Berners-Lee invented the world wide web
Nelson Mandela is released from prison
South African apartheid is repealed
Princess Diana dies in a car crash
Standing in the Shadow of Love
Standing in the Shadow of Love by Betye Saar
Made with paintings and assemblage mixed media.