studied in San Judas Tadeo college
My kindergartden teacher teaches me my first words in englisl.I really does not speak it. -
Seventh grade
I have an english teacher that only speaks to us in english. She was not from P. R. She really encouragge us to speak in english. -
High school
Istill have good english teachers that encourage us to speak in english. -
I decided to study to be a teacher.At first I didn'specialize in english so I did'nt use the english language alot. -
English specialty
I have the opportunity to specialize in englixh as a second language so I did it. In my classes I have the opportunity to express myself in english. -
English teacher
For the first time on my life I have the opportunity to teach engiish on a public school in P. R. This way I have to speak english to the students. -
Studying to have a certificate as a bilingual teacher
Studying on line with the University of Sagrado Corazon.