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Ming Dynasty

  • 1351

    Red Turbans revolted

    Red Turbans revolted
    Rival rebel forces under Zhu Yuanzhang toppled the Yuan dynasty and founded the Ming
  • 1368

    Yuan dynasty was expelled

    Yuan dynasty was expelled
    The Yuan dynasty, established after the mongolian invasion, preceded the Foundation of the Ming dynasty.
  • 1368

    Zhu Yuanzhang was ascended

    Zhu Yuanzhang was ascended
    The ming dynasty arrived with ascension to power of Zhu Yuanzhang. He stablished it in Nanjing. Two generaciones later, Chengzu the emperor, change Nanjing for Beijing.
  • 1403

    Yong Io took China Ming to its zenith

    Yong Io took China Ming to its zenith
    He extended its borders to the North and South and affirmed its influence over Mongolia, Indochina and the Indian ocean.
  • 1552

    San Fransisco Javier died.

    San Fransisco Javier died.
    One of the most apasionated colonizers died in China’s waters.
  • 1582

    Matteo Recci traveled to China.

    Matteo  Recci traveled to China.
    Matteo Recci traveled to china in 1582, he arrived to Macao.
  • Matteo Ricci abandoned Zhaoqing

    His intention was to spread another religion, he instaled himself in in the city of Zhaoqing but he was forced to leave. So, he instaled in Shazhou.
  • Matteo Ricci dies..

    Matteo Ricci dies..
    In 1595, he was excited to take Christianism to the whole China so he stayed in Nachang an later he was finally welcomed in Ming,Pekín. He lived there until he died
  • The Great Wall was built

    The Great Wall was built
    Yong Io also had the Great Wall built to protect China from the Mongols
  • The Ming Dynasty ends

    The Ming Dynasty ends
    The last emperors of the Ming shown a despotic and abusive power, and the Catholicism. So, the Ming Dynasty ended with a popular revolt and the ene officer the dynasty in the year 1644.