Nintendo 64

Millennial Technology timeline

  • Compact CD player

    Compact CD player
    A way to portably listen to CD's. Enhanced my life by being able to listen to music almost anywhere
  • Nintendo 64

    Nintendo 64
    a gaming console with 393 games made for it. enhanced my life by giving me many hours of fun with my friends
  • Nokia "3310" phone

    Nokia "3310" phone
    Nokia brick the indestructible phone. enhanced my life by allowing me to commutate with friends and family over long distances
  • First Gen Ipod touch

    First Gen Ipod touch
    The first generation ipod touch allowed users to interact with the screen via touch. allowed me to play music, games and read books on the go.
  • PlayStation 4 gaming console

    PlayStation 4 gaming console
    over 2400 games were made for this console. enhanced my life by allowing me to connect and play games with my friends all over the world.