900 BCE
The firts mill
Wheat begins to be ground in the Stone Age by joining two stones with the grain of the cereal in the middle -
300 BCE
The Greeks invented the first hydraulic wheel. They used it as an energy source to grind the grains faster since an animal force mill requires much more time to grind the same amount in a water mill -
100 BCE
Extension around the world (1)
In the 1st century BC, the hydraulic wheel with horizontal shaft and vertical disc was created to grind the wheat. In the Roman empire, mills were used that used animal or slave force but adopted the hydraulic wheel of the Greeks and extended it throughout the empire. -
Extensión around the wolrd (2)
It appeared in Persia in the seventh century and spread throughout Europe until the 19th century -
In the middle age
In the Middle Ages it begins to see abundantly due to the great use of the energy it produces -
Industrial uses
In the 19th century, hydraulic turbines adapted to the old mills began to be installed that helped the creation of flour factories