Milestones that Occur with Infants

  • 2 Weeks Pregnant

    2 Weeks Pregnant
    The woman ovulates and the egg meets sperm.
  • 3 Weeks Pregnant

    3 Weeks Pregnant
    The fetus is shaped in a tiny ball (blastocyst)- made up of hundreds of cells
  • 4 Weeks Pregnant

    4 Weeks Pregnant
    In the uterus the fetus is an embryo, made up of two layers. The women's primitive placenta is developing
  • 5 Weeks Pregnant

    5 Weeks Pregnant
    The tiny embryo is rapidly growing. The women experiences discomforts such as fatigue.
  • 6 Weeks Pregnant

    6 Weeks Pregnant
    The baby's nose, mouth, and ears take shape. The women can experience morning sickness.
  • 7 Weeks Pregnant

    7 Weeks Pregnant
    The baby is still an embryo. The hands and feet are developing. The uterus has doubled in size
  • 8 Weeks Pregnant

    8 Weeks Pregnant
    The women can feel the baby moving.
  • 9 Weeks Pregnant

    9 Weeks Pregnant
    The fetus is around an inch long. The women's waist is thickening.
  • 10 Weeks Pregnant

    10 Weeks Pregnant
    The baby is in its prime time of developing. The organs and structures are in place.
  • 11 Weeks Pregnant

    11 Weeks Pregnant
    The baby's hand will be able to open and close. Tiny tooth buds are appearing underneath the gums.
  • 12 Weeks Pregnant

    12 Weeks Pregnant
    The baby's toes can curl and the brain is growing. The kidneys are starting to excrete urine.
  • 13 Weeks Pregnant

    13 Weeks Pregnant
    This is the baby's last trimester. The baby is around 3 inches long.
  • 0-3 Months

    The baby focuses on motor skills like lying on its tummy, able to bring hands to mouth, and move legs and arms off a surface.
  • 7-9 Months

    Motor and sensory milestones develop to sitting without support and picking up small objects with thumbs and fingers. Also being able to bounce up and down, rocking back and forth.
  • 10-12 Months

    The baby is able to pull to stand and cruise along furniture, clap hands, and move in various positions to explore its environment. It can crawl to or away from objects.
  • 13-18 Months

    The baby is able to walk independently, squat to pick up a toy, and stack objects. They have a regular sleep schedule and start to eat a variety of foods.
  • By 21 Months

    They can use at least 50 words and imitate new words. They can understand simple pronouns. They are able to name objects and pictures. They can name 3-5 body parts and understand new words.
  • By 24 Months

    They can use simple word phrases and pronounce simple pronouns. They can understand actions words. They can use gestures and simple words. They can follow 2-step directions.
  • By 1 Year Old

    The motor skills are able to grasp crayons, scribble on paper, pick up small objects, and grasp and spoon trying to eat.