SmallPox Vaccinations
Edward Jenner discovered smallpox vaccination. -
William T.G Morton was the first in the world to publicly and successfully demonstrate the use for anesthesia during surgery. -
First Successful Open Heart Surgery
The first successful open heart surgery was performed by John Lewis and Walton Lillehei -
The First X-ray
Dr. Wilhelm Conrad Rōntgen used the first X-ray -
Blood Types
Karl Landsteiner identified the O,A and Blood types. -
Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin (made from the Penicillium notatum mold). -
James Watson and Francis Crick discovered dna. -
First Test Tube Baby
The first test tube baby was Louise Joy Brown. -
The cause of aids was discovered by research groups led by Dr. Gallo, Dr. Luc Montagnier and Dr. Jay Levy -
World's First Face Transplant
The first partial face transplants was performed on Dinoire by Professor Bernard Devauchelle and assisted by Professor Jean-Michel Dubernard.