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Milestones in Medicine

  • Anaesthesia

    Obstetrician, James Young Simpson, administers chloroform to a woman in childbirth to alleviate pain and suffering.
  • Antibiotics

    Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin and that it can kill bacteria revolutionizing healthcare.
  • Risks of Smoking

    Risks of Smoking
    A major study by Ernst Wynder and Evarts Graham about the harms of smoking was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, decreasing the prevalence of smoking.
  • Structure of DNA

    Structure of DNA
    James Watson and Francis Crick with the help of Rosalind Franklin's x-ray diffraction data identify the double helix structure of DNA.
  • Fetal Ultrasound

    Fetal Ultrasound
    Developed by Obstetrician Ian Donald and engineer Tom Brown, the ultrasound was first used for clinical purposes in 1956 in Glasgow.
  • Heart Transplant

    Heart Transplant
    First human-to-human heart transplant was performed by South African cardiac surgeon Christiaan Barnard on Mr. Louis Washkansky at Groote Schuur Hospital. He only lived for 18 days after the surgery but this marked a major advancement in medical history.
  • CAT Scan

    CAT Scan
    Dr. Robert S. Ledley developed the first whole-body computerized tomography (CT or CAT) scanner revolutionizing diagnostic medicine.
  • Cochlear Implant

    Cochlear Implant
    Rod Saunders becomes the world's first cochlear implant recipient to show the benefit of the multi-channel stimulation developed by William F. House and Graeme Clark.
  • First In Vitro Fertilized Baby Born

    First In Vitro Fertilized Baby Born
    Robert Edwards performed pioneering work in the development of in vitro fertilization and the first baby was born from it.
  • Lasik Eye Surgery Approved by the FDA

    Lasik Eye Surgery Approved by the FDA
    The Lasik Eye Surgery is approved by the FDA allowing vision to be corrected by removing a small amount of the cornea with an excimer laser.