Period: to
Month 1
baby focuses in objects close to range which is 8-12 inches -Physical -
Period: to
Month 1
baby prefers the attention and faces of people over toys and other objects -Social -
Period: to
Month 2
baby can respond to mothers voice and cries when assistance is needed. -Intellectual -
Period: to
Month 2
baby moves arms around in jumpy manner and can tightly close the fist -Physical -
Period: to
Month 3
Baby can support upper body with arms when on stomach and can follow objects in motion. - Physical -
Period: to
Month 3
Baby can smile more and appears more expressive towards surrounding and feelings - Emotional -
Period: to
Month 4
baby can recognize his/her name during this time period
- Intellectual -
Period: to
Month 4
baby is aware of differences in emotions through changes in voice.
- Emotional/Social -
Period: to
Month 5
baby can move object from one hand to the other
- Physical -
Period: to
Month 5
Baby places objects in mouth to learn about them.
- Intellectual -
Period: to
Month 6
baby strengthens ability to follow objects in motion.
- Physical -
Period: to
Month 6
baby shows interest in and responds to mirrors
- Intellectual -
Period: to
Month 7
strenghtens ability to follow objects in motion - physical -
Period: to
Month 7
recognizes his/her name - intellectual -
Period: to
Month 8
sits up without any help - physical -
Period: to
Month 8
becomes shy around new people - emotional/social -
Period: to
Month 9
can sit up and crawl - physical -
Period: to
Month 9
interacts with objects - intellectual -
Period: to
Month 10
can stand - physical -
Period: to
Month 10
shows disinterest in some objects and pushes away - emotional/social -
Period: to
Month 11
brings objects together- physical -
Period: to
Month 11
imitates sounds such as tongue clicks - intellectual -
Period: to
Month 12
begins to self feed using fingers - physical -
Period: to
Month 12
enjoys "peek a boo" and similar games - emotional/social