Joshane Bano M.I.L.

  • Television

    When I was about 4-5 years old, as long as i can remember. Televisions were my first contact with media. I do not remember the first show I watched but I really liked watching cartoons and funny shows back then.
  • Computers

    When I was about 6–8 years old, my mom got my older brother a computer. I don't use it a lot, but when I do, I mostly just use it for games like Bookworm, Zuma, etc.
  • Cellphones

    When I was about 9–11 years old, my dad got me a cellphone for contact with my parents. I was in grade 4 at the time. I mostly use it just for games and not with social media, since I did not use social media at that time.
  • Social Medias

    Social Medias
    I began using social media when I was about 12 years old. Facebook was the first social media site I used. My family and friends introduced me to Facebook. I was still new to social media at the time, and I didn't know how to utilise it, so I didn't use it much. But now that I am older, I use it every day, and I am more knowledgeable about social media.