
MIkey TimeLine Of Collonies

  • Collonie #1

    Hundred settlers from England land with their ships Godspeed, Susan Constant and Discovery land in Chesapeake Bay, near Jamestown.
  • Collonie #2

    John Smith and the London Company found the Virginia Colony at Jamestown, the 1st of thirteen original American colonies.
  • Collonie #4

    Massachusetts Bay Colony (Plymouth) is established as the 2nd colony.
  • Collonie #3

    The Mayflower of English Separatists lands in Plymouth on November 11.
  • Collonie #5

    New Hampshire becomes the 3rd colony.
  • Collonie #6

    Virginia becomes a royal colony of England.
  • Collonie #7

    New Amsterdam is settled, which later became New York.
  • Collonie #8

    Maryland becomes the 4th colony.
  • Collonie #9

    Providence and Portsmouth joins together and form the 5th colony, Rhode Island.
  • Collonie #10

    Connecticut becomes the 6th colony
  • Collonie #11

    Delaware becomes the 7th colony.