
  • 3100 BCE

    Menes unifies Upper and Lower Egypt

    Menes unifies Upper and Lower Egypt.(pg. 89)
  • Period: 3000 BCE to 2000 BCE

    Sumerian Society

    Sargon of Akkad conquers Mesopotamia and forms the world's first empire.(pg. 51 and 61)
  • Period: 3000 BCE to 404 BCE

    Athens Civilization

    They were a people group who lived in Greece and admired the mind. (pg. 236-269)
  • Period: 2700 BCE to 2200 BCE

    Old Kingdom

    Started in the Third Dynasty of Egypt.(pg. 90)
  • 2300 BCE

    Harappan Society Impacts the World

    The Harappan society created the world's first plumbing system.(pg. 128)
  • 2300 BCE

    Sargon Builds the First Permanent Army in Mesopotamia

    Sargon built a new capital Akkad and was the first ruler to have a permanent army.(pg. 61)
  • Period: 2300 BCE to 1700 BCE

    Harappan Society

    A civilization that grew up in the Indus River Valley.(pg. 126-128)
  • Period: 2050 BCE to 1750 BCE

    Middle Kingdom

    Egypt was united again during Mentuhotep's rule and the Middle Kingdom began.(pg. 96)
  • 2000 BCE

    Aryans arrive in the Indus Valley

    A society that were originally from around Caspian Sea but they migrated to the Indus Valley.(128-129)
  • Period: 2000 BCE to


    They were ancestors of the Israelites and Jews that still live today.(pg. 202-219)
  • Period: 2000 BCE to 1200 BCE

    Greek Society

    The Minoan and the Mycenaean were the two earliest of the Greek societies. (pg. 230-231)
  • Period: 2000 BCE to 1750 BCE

    Babylonians Society

    They lived on the Euphrates River and grew into a powerful government. (pg. 72-73)
  • 1792 BCE

    Hammurabi Becomes Babylon's King

    Hammurabi becomes city's greatest monarch.(pg. 72)
  • Period: 1750 BCE to 800 BCE

    Hittites, Kassites, Assyrians, Chaldeans, and Phoenicians Society

    They were other civilizations that developed around the Fertile Crescent.(pg. 74-77)
  • Period: 1550 BCE to 1050 BCE

    New Kingdom

    Ahmose's rise to power was the beginning of the New Kingdom.(pg. 97)
  • 1400 BCE

    Queen Hatshepsut of Egypt

    She increased Egyptian trade.(pg. 98)
  • 1200 BCE

    Ramses the Great of Egypt

    His reign was one of the longest in Egyptian history.(pg. 98)
  • 1200 BCE

    Moses lead the Israelites out of Egypt

    God told Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt.(pg. 203)
  • Period: 1100 BCE to 220

    Chinese River Society

    Societies that developed around the Huang He and Chang Jiang river.(166-178)
  • Period: 1070 BCE to 350

    Kush Society

    Were a group of people who settled in the region called Nubia. It was the first great kingdom in Africa.(pg. 107)
  • 1000 BCE

    King David of Israel

    He was well loved by the Israelites and he established the capital of Israel in Jerusalem.(pg. 205)
  • 965 BCE

    King Solomon of Israel

    Solomon was a strong king and he expanded the kingdom.(pg. 205)
  • Period: 900 BCE to 431

    Spartan Empire

    In the Spartan they believed in military power. (pg.266-268)
  • 850 BCE

    Homer of Greece

    Homer created the Iliad and the Odyssey. (pg. 246)
  • 800 BCE

    Phoenicians impact the World

    The Phoenicians developed the world's first alphabet.(pg. 77)
  • 612 BCE

    Nebuchadnezzar Rebuilts Babylon

    Nebuchadnezzar the most famous Chaldean kin, rebuilt Babylon into a beautiful city.(pg. 75)
  • Period: 563 BCE to 483 BCE

    Siddhartha Gautama

    He was called Buddha and he started Buddhism.(pg. 136-139)
  • Period: 550 BCE to 330 BCE

    Persian Empire

    The Persian Empire controlled all the land from Asia Minor to the Indus River. It was one of the mightiest of the ancient would. (pg. 260-265)
  • 529 BCE

    Cyrus the Great of Persia

    Cyrus created the largest empire the world had ever seen. (pg. 261)
  • 500 BCE

    Cleisthenes of Greece

    Cleisthenes creates the world's first democracy.(pg. 238)
  • 500 BCE

    Siddhartha Gautama impacts the world

    Siddhartha founded Buddhism in India (pg. 136-138)
  • 460 BCE

    Pericles of Greece

    Athens reached its height under Pericles. (pg. 240)
  • 359 BCE

    King Philip of Macedonia

    He was the father of Alexander the Great. (pg. 272-273)
  • 323 BCE

    Alexander the Great of Macedonia

    He made the largest empire of the ancient world.(pg. 273-275)
  • Period: 320 BCE to 184 BCE

    Mauryan Society

    Candragupta Maurya founded the Mauryan Empire.(pg. 142-143)
  • 270 BCE

    Asoka of India

    He was the strongest Mauryan emperors and he extended Maurya rule over most of India.(pg. 143)
  • 221 BCE

    Shi Huangdi of China

    Ying Zheng the Qin king unified China. Gave himself the name Shi Huangdi which means "first emperor".(pg. 172)
  • 207 BCE

    Liu Bang of China

    He was the first emperor of the Han dynasty.(pg. 178)
  • 140 BCE

    Emperor Wudi of China

    He wanted to create a stronger central government.(pg. 179)
  • 100 BCE

    Han Dynasty impacts the world

    They develop trade routes called the Silk Road that are still used today. Even today, the Silk Road is talked about in missions and the spread of religion (pg 187-188).
  • Period: 320 to 500

    Gupta Society

    During this period India was once again united.(144-145)
  • 375

    Candra Gupta of India

    Gupta society reached its high point during his rule.(pg. 144)
  • Khufu's Rule of Egypt

    Khufu was the most famous pharaoh of the Old Kingdom.(pg. 91)