The Start Of Haitian Revolution
White masters beat africans slaves in Hati. The socail class that led the revolution were the enslaved africans. The name of the leader is Toussaint L´Ouverture. -
The End Of Haitian Revolution
The European country they fought against was France.Yes because Toussiant had taken control of the island and freed all the slaves. Jean Jacques Dessaline took up the fight for freedom because 1st black colony to free it self from European control. -
The Start Of South America Revolution
Napoleonś conquest of Spain in 1808 triggered revolts in the Spanish colonies. Creoles, recalling Lockeś idea of the goverend, argued that when the real king was removed, power shifted to the people. The class that led this revolution was creoles. The leaders were Simon Bolivar and Jose de San Martin. -
Start Of Mexican Revolution
The revolution began by Miguel Hidalgo, he took the first step towards Mexico city. The social class that led it were the indians and Meztizos. The leader was Jose Maria Morelos. -
The End Of Mexico Revolution
They fought against Spain. Mexico did not win its independence because the spanish army defeated Hidalgo. -
The Start Brazil Revolution
It started without anhy wars in Brazil. Napoleons armys envated both Spain and portugal, the portuguese wanted to escape and declare freedom. The social class that led it was the creloes. The leader was Napoleon. -
The End Of South America Revolution
The country this revolution fought against was Spain. The revolution was successful. San Martin and Bolivar went on an agreement to have a war, and the Spanish colonies in the Latin American won their freedom.