Migration of the Cheyenne

  • Wisconsin River

    This was the first account of the Cheyenne in written record. They were listed the last of five tribes. They were camped above the mouth of the Wisconsin River and north of the Sioux. On the Wisconsin bank of the Mississippi
  • High on the Mississippi

    Recorded by French fur traders
  • Period: to

    Minnesota River Valley

    Recorded by Jean Baptiste Louis Franquelin (French). Said to be in the western reaches between the Iowa (west) and the Otos (south). On the Yellow Medicine River.
  • Santa Fe

    Recorded by Gov. Don Diego de Vargas of New Mexico in Santa Fe. He was told they would be back in a few months.
  • Border of North and South Dakota

  • Missouri River Camp

    One of the sighting of a Cheyenne village
  • Cheyenne River Valley

    They were camped here for 50 years. La Verendryes noted this 1742-1743
  • Period: to

    Camped in the Cheyenne River Valley

    La Verendryes noted they were camped here for fifty years
  • The Cheyennes discovered horses again

    In ancient times Cheyennes had horses. They died off and the dogs were sed to carry large loads. In 1750 Spanish horses were discovered.
  • Period: to

    Missouri River

    There camp was said to be on Porcupine Creek
  • Black Hills

    The Cheyenne were seen camped at the Black Hills with the Kiowa
  • Period: to

    Destruction of a Cheyenne village

    This was the time period when the Chippewa almost exterminated this Cheyenne village. This happened on the Missouri River and fits in with a story I was told of how we came to hunt the buffalo
  • Period: to

    Grand River Carson

  • Big Horn River 1781

    Arapahoes were as far west as the Big Horn River
  • Period: to

    Cheyenne River

    They were seen here trading beaver furs
  • 1796

    The Arapahos were beyond the forks of the Cheyenne River
  • Period: to

    West and South of Black Hills

    They were recorded as being camped to the west and south of the Black Hills for the first quarter of the nineteenth century.
  • Cheyenne River

    This was recorded by LeRaye. There were said to be 300 lodges camped there
  • Period: to

    Fort Mandan

    During this time they were said to be deen stealing horses from Spanish settlements. This is were the Cheyennes made their first "treaty of peace" with Lewis and Clark concerning the Arikaras. They received gifts for making this treaty.
  • Black Hills Area

  • Southwest of the Missouri River

    This was also recorded by Alexander Henry
  • South of Black Hills

    Cheyenne were seen by Alexander Henry camped 200-250 miles south of the Black Hills
  • Trrading with the Arikaras

    Cheyennes were seen in great numbers making trades with the Arikaras
  • june 1811

    Witnessed the arrival of Cheyenne at the Arikira villages. Cheyenne served as middle men for their allies, they brought with them robes made by the Arapaho. Intended for trade for the Arapaho to Fur Traders
  • Fort Manuel

    This was recorded by John Luttig. This fort was on the border of North and South Dakota on the border of the Missouri River.
  • 1820

    The Cheyennes roaming the Central and Southern Plains with Bear Tooth were far less numerous than the Arapahoes
  • 1820

    Cheyennes with Bear tooth Were a Band of Seceders from their own nation
  • mid 1820's

    Cheyennes were widley scattered from the Missouri River to the Arkansas
  • Period: to

    Crow captives

    After a retaliation made by the Cheyenne on the Crow, several Crows were captured and held for a very long visit.
  • July 26, 1820

    The Stephen Long expedition encountered a large intertribal encampment of plains indians on the Arkansas River. Arapahoes, Kiowas, Comanches, Kiowa Apaches, Cheyenne, and a few Shoshonis were within the village.
  • Late 1820's

    Santa Fe traders pleaded for protection from the predatory indians along there route of travel. Cheyennes, Kiowas, Arapahoes, and Comanches harrassed their wagon trains.
  • 1824

    It was Charles rather than William Bent who first came in contact with the Cheyennes in1824
  • Summer of 1825

    Cheyennes were hunting in the summer of 1825 west of the Black Hills
  • Cheyennes signed first treaty with the United States

    Acknowledging the Sovereignty of the United States and its right to regulate all trade. WAs signed by four Cheyenne Chiefs.
  • 1826

    Cheyenne & Arapahoe began raiding the Kiowas & Comanches for horses.
  • Early 1830's

    The Bents in partner with C'eran St. Vrain began to trade along the upper Arkansa River. Meeting Cheyennes led by Yellow Wolf, Little Wolf, And Wolf Chief
  • 1830's

    When Bents Fort & Fort St. Vrain were consructed in the 1830's the Cheyennes no longer needed the goods provided by the post of the Missouri and shifted their residences and trade to the Platte and Arkansas rivers
  • 1833, 1834

    So few Cheyennes appeared at Fort Pierre in the winter of 1833 and 1834
  • Pratte Chouteau Company aranges truce

    Pratte Chouteau Company arranges truce between Teton Sioux & the Cheyenne
  • 1847

    Fitzpatrick reported that the Cheyennes claimed land above Bents Fort for a distance of fifty miles.
  • East of Bighorn/South of Yellowstone

  • 1912

    Grinnell visited the Cheyenne And Arapaho reservation in Oklahoma