Midterm Timeline

  • Aug 3, 1492

    Columbus “discovers” the new world for Spain.

    Columbus “discovers” the new world for Spain.
    Columbus first landed in the Bahamas in 1492 sailing on behalf of the Spanish crown in a new attempt to find a western route to Asia. He made four voyages to the New World including Antilles, Venezuela and Central America.
  • 1501

    Hernan Cortez defeats the Aztecs

    Hernan Cortez defeats the Aztecs
    With the help of the Aztecs' native rivals, Cortes mounted an offensive against Tenochtitlan, finally defeating Cuauhtemoc's. In all, some 240,000 people were believed to have died in the city's conquest, which effectively ended the Aztec civilization.
  • Jamestown is founded

  • Period: to

    The “Starving Time” in Jamestown

    In the winter, the food begin to shortages, fractured leadership, and a siege by Powhatan Indian warriors killed two of every three colonists at James Fort. From its beginning, the colony struggled to maintain a food supply.
  • Plymouth is Founded

    America's first permanent Puritan settlement was established by English Separatist Puritans. The Pilgrims left England to seek religious freedom, or simply to find a better life.
  • Mayflower Compact is signed

  • The mayflower compact is signed

  • Navigation acts

    Navigation acts
    A series of laws passed by the English Parliament to regulate shipping and maritime commerce. The Acts increased colonial revenue by taxing the goods going to and from British colonies
  • New Ansterdam becomes New York

    New Ansterdam becomes New York
    Dutch Director-General Peter Stuyvesant surrendered New Amsterdam to the British. New Amsterdam's name was changed to New York, in honor of the Duke of York, who organized the mission.
  • Period: to

    King Phillip’s War

  • Bacon's Rebellion

  • Salem Witchcraft Trials

  • John Adams becomes 2nd President

  • Ben Franklin proposed the Albany Plan of Union

  • Period: to

    French and Indian War

  • Proclamation of 1763

  • Treaty of 1763

  • The Stamp Act

  • England passes the Quartering Act

    England passes the Quartering Act
    The act did require colonial governments to provide and pay for feeding and sheltering any troops stationed in their colony. The act was centered at the colonies to help build Britain's revenue.
  • Townshend Acts

  • Boston Massacre

  • Boston Tea Party

  • The 1st Continental Congress convenes

  • The “shot heard ‘round the world”

  • The battle of Bunker Hill

  • Declaration of Independence is signed

  • Thomas Paine publishes Common Sense

  • Rhode Island is Founded

    Rhode Island is Founded
    Roger Williams founded the colony in 1636. He guaranteed religious and political freedom. Religious refugees from the Massachusetts Bay Colony settled in Rhode Island. Rhode Island was later founded as a state in 1776.
  • Maryland is founded

    Maryland is founded
    Like other settlements in the New World, the Maryland Colony was established as a religious refuge. Although it was created as a haven for English Catholics, many of the original settlers were Protestants
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    The turning point of the American Revolution. It was very important because it convinced the French to give the U.S. military support. It lifted American spirits, ended the British threat in New England by taking control of the Hudson River, and, most importantly, showed the French that the Americans had the potential to beat their enemy, Great Britain.
  • The articles of confederation are implemented

  • The first thanksgiving

  • Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions were passed

    Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions were passed
    Political Statements in which the Kentucky and Virginia legislatures took the position that the federal Alien and Sedition Acts were unconstitutional.
  • Stono Rebellion

  • Pinckney’s Treaty

    Pinckney’s Treaty
    The treaty was an important diplomatic success for the United States. It resolved territorial disputes between the two countries and granted American ships the right to free navigation of the Mississippi River as well as duty-free transport through the port of New Orleans, then under Spanish control.
  • Period: to

    Battle of Yorktown

    The battle pitted General George Washington, aided by French General de Rochambeau, against British General Lord Cornwallis. The defeat of the British at Yorktown prompted the British government to negotiate an end to the American Revolution and give the colonist their freedom.
  • Treaty of 1783

  • Shay's Rebellion

  • Pennsylvania is founded

  • The Northwest Ordinance was established

  • Constitutional/Philadelphia Convention Gathers

    Constitutional/Philadelphia Convention Gathers
    They meet together to address the problems of the weak central government that existed under the Articles of Confederation.
  • Connecticut is Founded

    Connecticut is Founded
    Under the influence of Thomas Hooker, who was a Puritan minister, the settlers passed the “Fundamental Orders of Connecticut”. This document laid out the fundamental governing principals of the colony.
  • The constitution is ratified

  • George Washington inaugurated as first president

  • Period: to

    Quasi War

    An undeclared naval war between the United States and France during the Presidency of John Adams. It grew out of the XYZ Affair and ended when French politics changed direction after Napoleon came into power.
  • Period: to

    Whiskey Rebellion

  • Jay's Treaty is Signed

  • Treaty of Greenville

    Treaty of Greenville
    A Treaty between the United States and Indians of the Northwest Territory including the Wyandot and Delaware, which redefined the boundary between Indian lands and Whiteman's lands in the Northwest Territory.
  • Period: to

    XYZ Affair

  • The Alien and Sedition Acts are passed

  • Thomas Jefferson becomes 3rd president

  • The Supreme Court rules on Marbury v. Madison

  • The Louisiana Purchase

  • Battle of New Orleans

  • Chesapeake Affair

  • Embargo Act of 1807

  • James Madison becomes 4th president

  • Congress declares war on England

  • Treaty of Ghent

    Treaty of Ghent
    was the peace treaty that ended the War of 1812 between the United States of America and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, It was signed in the city of Ghent, United Netherlands