PA State Legislators vote themselves a $4,000 to $13,000 pay raise (depending on position) at 2:00 AM -
PA citizens cry out against the sudden vote, which was decided without reaching public ear before hand. -
the nine
9 Legislators announce they will not be taking the pay raise -
Courts announce that the 2:00 AM pay raise act is unconstitutional -
Citizens Vote against the retention of Justice Russell Nigro. Justice Sandra Schultz Newman is barely retained. -
The sudden 'Midnight Raise" payraise act is repealed -
More than 1,000 state judges will get to keep their middle-of-the-night pay raises even though the Legislature repealed the judicial raises. -
Thomas Saylor faces retention election -
Wrap Up
Legislators wrap up the budget process in the early hours of the morning despite the law that states it must be finished by 11:00 PM -
More than a dozen lawmakers who voted for the payraise begin reaping the benefits of the pay bump they recieved through their pensions. -
Democratic lieutenant governor candidate and anti-pay raise activist Gene Stilp personally argues against the pay raise case before the Pennsylvania Supreme Court in Philadelphia on Tuesday, April 4