Pay Day
Legislators gave themselves a pay raise over night as voters slept. -
Voters found out about the raise and were fuming. -
Gene Stilp flew a giant pig over the capital as protest for the pay raise. -
Governor Rendell signed a repeal of the pay raise after a near unanimous vote. -
Great Guy
Gene Stilp named citizen of the year by the Philadelphia inquirer for his actions against the payraise -
Court Ruling
The Supreme Court of PA rules that the judges can keep the controversial pay raise. -
"Checks & Balances"
Metcalfe announced a package of "checks and balances" bills to terminate the judicial pay raise, reduce the term of office for judges from 10 to five years, eliminate the practice of judicial retention, and strike the constitutional provision that prohibits the reduction of a judicial salary in the middle of a term. -
Election claimed several more members who supported the pay raise. -
Forty Four
Act 44 was passed in an unconstitutional way. -
Still getting slammed?
Those receiving the pay raise continue to benefit even today, and taxpayers are slamming the legislators.