Mali Empire

  • Oct 17, 1280

    When the empire was formed

    Sundiata Keita formed the empire in c.1280. He renowed the wealth of the rulers to come.
  • Oct 20, 1281

    Where was the empire located?

    This empire was located near the Sahara Desert. In fact it was so close the empires northern border was the south border of the Sahara desert. The empire also grew up along the Niger River. Lastly the empire covered many day African countries. One of the countries being Mali, which played a huge part in Medieval West Africa.
  • Jan 1, 1307

    The Mali Goverment

    A leader of the Mali empire is called a Mansa. Each province had a leader called a munsa. Since Islam was a growing religion in West Africa it played a huge part in the government. Mansa Musa one of the most popular Mansas of his time.
  • Mar 14, 1324

    Mansa Musa

    Mansa Musa was a very popular Mansa. He was very popular because he made a pilgrimage to Mecca in 1324. His pilgrimage to Mecca changed others opinions on the Mali empire.
  • Jan 1, 1440

    The fall of the empire

    The empire began to fall in the 1400's and fully collapsed in 1600 C.E. After the Mali empire fell the Songhai empire began to rise.