Middle East Timeline

By bgcj98
  • Balfour Declaration

    Balfour Declaration
    The british favored a jewish homeland in Palistine
  • Palestine become British Mandate

    Palestine become British Mandate
    Palestine is taken under british rule and they now control Jerusalem
  • The Holocaust

    The Holocaust
    It was a failed genocide agenst the jews by hitler in germany. Many of the jews were put in consentration camps or killed.
  • Yom Kippur War

    Yom Kippur War
    Egypt and Syria attack Israel on their religious holiday Yom Kippur to get there land back. The direct result of the U.S being involved was the oil embargo.
  • Six Day War

    Israel decieded to play one the offensive side and they took the Gaza Strip,Sinai Penn,West Bank and Golan Heights.
  • Arab Oil Embargo

    Arab Oil Embargo
    During the Arab Israli war, Arab members of the petroleum organazation imposed an oil emabrgo against the United States because they were supporting the Isralis.
  • Jimmy Carter becomes president

    Jimmy Carter becomes president
    jimmy carter becomes 39th President of the united states. The Camp David accords where signed under him. He also signed the Carter Doctrine stating if needed they will use military force to get oil from the persian gulf.
  • Camp David Accords

    Camp David Accords
    This was agreements between Israel and Egypt. This later lead to a peace treaty between the two countrys.
  • Soviets invade Afghanistan

    Soviets invade Afghanistan
    Afghanistan was split some of the people wanted a muslim run government well others wanted a comunist govenment, so the soviets lead troops helping the afganistans that wanted a comunist governement.The soveits eventualy pulled out of the war.
  • Ronald Reagan becomes president

    Ronald Reagan becomes president
    Ronald Reagan became the 40th president of the united states. He lent aid and money to the anti communists in Afghanistan during the soviet invation og Afghanistan
  • Iran Hostage Crisis

    Iran Hostage Crisis
    It was a diplomatic crisis between the U.S. and iran were 52 americans were held hostage for 444 days. They did this because of the muslims distrust with Americans.
  • George H.W Bush becomes president

    George H.W Bush becomes president
    On January 20th 1989 George H.W Bush took office.
  • Desert Storm

    Known as the first Gulf War, response to Iraq's attempt to attack Kuwait.
  • Desert Storm

    Desert Storm
    Known as the first Gulf War with sucessful U.S allies in response to Iraqs attempt to attack Kuwait.
  • Bill Clinton becomes president

    Bill Clinton becomes president
    on January 20th, 1993 Bill Clinton was officially elected president.
  • World Trade Center 1993

    World Trade Center 1993
    This expolosion created a hole 2oo feet by 100 feet and it caused the PATH ceiling to collapse.
  • Centrazbat 1997

    Centrazbat 1997
    this was when the US and some mid asian contrys joined up witch each other and practiced exersises that showed that the millitarys could work together, this was to show that there can be peace.
  • Embassy Bombing in Kenya

    Embassy Bombing in Kenya
    Extreamist muslims, truck bombed American embassy
  • Embassy Bombing in Tanzania

    Embassy Bombing in Tanzania
    Series of attacks which killed hundreds of people that day.
  • George W. Bush becomes president

    George W. Bush becomes president
    George W. Bush became the 43rd president at the age of fifty three.
  • Alaskan Pipeline

    Alaskan Pipeline
    Where the U.s gets most of there petroleum.
  • World trade Center 2001

    World trade Center 2001
    Muslim extreamist blew up the world trade center in Newyork city as an attack in the war of religons. 2819 reported deaths in this attack on the US.