McMahon-Hussein agreements
Sykes-Picot agreement
Balfour declaration
Hagnah set up
League of Nations hand mandate to Britain
Arab Jew clashes
Irgun set up
Arab Strike
Period: to
Peel commission
Period: to
Arab revolt
Britain limit Jewish immigration to Palestine
End of 2nd world war
Jewish insurgency becomes 1500 per month -
Start of Jewish insurgency
Britain refuses allowance of 100,000 Jews into Palestine
Bombing of Kind David's hotel
Britain asks UN to find solution
SS exodus turned back from Palestine
UNSCOP set up
Partition plan accepted
Period: to
UNSCOP tours Palestine
Period: to
Civil war
Creation of Israel
Israel created, Britain leave
Period: to
First Arab Israeli war
UNRWA created
Law of return
Period: to
Tension between Israel and Egypt increases
Nasser president of Egypt
Nasser announces arms deal with Czhechoslovakia
Us remove funding,
Nasser nationalises Suez Canal
Sevres agreement and Suez crisis begins
End of Suez crisis
Creation of PLO
Arab states meet up
Samu incident / Egypt Syria defence pact
Dog fight of planes
UN leave Straits of Tiran ,Egypt and Jordan sign pact
Period: to
Six day war
Black September
Dawson field highjack
Fatah -
Munich olympics massacre
Yom Kippur War
Arafat speech to the UN
Period: to
Shuttle Diplomacy
Reopening of Suez Canal
Sadat and Begin peace talks
Camp David Accords
Coastal road massacre
Treaty of Washington
Israel invasion of Lebanon
Period: to
First Intifada
Gulf War
End of cold war
Oslo Accords , Setting up of PNA
Oslo II after which Assasination of Rabin
Period: to
Second Intifada
Roadmap for peace
Hamas wins elections in Gaza
Period: to
Gaza war