Middle Ages timeline

  • 395

    Fall of Rome

    Fall of Rome
    the Fall of Rome played a very important part in history. A large reason for the Fall of Rome was the invasion by outside tribes. Outside tribes managed to come and defeat and cause weaknesses in the roman military. During the fall of Rome their ruler Romulus Agustulus was overthrown. This event is important because of its great contribution to feudalism. Since Rome and its government was so weak due to the events that took place they had no other choice but to choose a stronger system.
  • 527

    The Reign of Justinian

    The Reign of Justinian
    Justanians reign was put into place due to the death of the previous emperor Justin I. During his reign a handful of different things happened including taking control of Africa. Previous to his reign Africa belonged the the vandals, however after a battle with them Rome they surrendered Africa, leaving it under Romes rule . His reign had importance for a variety of reasons. One of them was the amount of building he managed to accomplish. Many buildings of different importance were completed.
  • Oct 10, 732

    The Battle of Tours

    The Battle of Tours
    The Battle of Tours occurred because of a battle between a muslim army and a Frankish army led by Charles Martel. This battle was thought to start because of muslim armies trying to increase the spread of Islam. During this event Martel lead his army to tours france where a battle commenced between the two armies. This event is thought to be important because it meant christianity remained as the leading religion in Europe.
  • 768

    The Reign of Charlemagne

    The Reign of Charlemagne
    The Reign of Charlemagne started because of his fathers passing. When Charlemagne's dad passed he passed leadership onto his two sons, which eventually turned into solely Charlemagne. During Charlemagne's rule he achieved many different things. One of the things he achieved was the conjuring of different places. He had managed to take control of a plethora of different places. He was significant because he had founded the holy roman empire.
  • 793

    The Age of the Vikings

    The Age of the Vikings
    The Age of the Vikings played a large role in current day history. during the viking age, vikings proceeded to conquer, colonize, and take control of land for their own benefit. They also had a great deal to do with farming. They farmed on all of the land they possibly could and also took pleasure in trading. Although they caused terror and violence the viking age was important due to the fact that they were the world's first parliamentary government, and are currently the oldest.
  • Oct 14, 1066

    William of Normandy conquers England

    William of Normandy conquers England
    The reason for the Battle of Hastings was because the previous ruler, King Edward had failed to have children. Therefore when he died he left the throne without a recipient. During the Battle of Hastings, Harold II fought against William, the Duke of Normandy. The two fought to see who would take King Edwards place on the throne. The battle was won by William due to the size of his army compared to Harold II. This battle was Important because of the switch of leaders.
  • 1337

    100 Years War

    100 Years War
    The 100 Years War was caused by conflict between England and france. during the 100 years war a numerous amount of battles occurred, each serving importance. One of the battles that took place was the Battle of Creaky which ended in an English win. However, the Battle of Cotillion ended in French victory, and also ended the war altogether. The 100 years war was significant because it also played a role in the Black Death and the destruction of certain parts of France.
  • 1346

    Black Death

    Black Death
    the Black Death was caused by a bacteria known as y.pestis which attached itself to rats, a large reason it had spread so quickly. During the Black Death over fifty million people died and even more were sick. It had a fifty percent survival rate which is why it had such a big impact. The Black Death changed history in both a positive and negative way. Although it was detrimental to the population it also increased pay among people due to the lack of people in certain jobs.
  • 1429

    Joan of Arc leading the French

    Joan of Arc leading the French
    Joan of Arc lead the French to victory and defeated England a numerous amount of times. Her contribution to the 100 years war generously impacted the result and prevented England from gaining an advantage in many situations. During the 100 years war Joan of Arc lifted the siege of Orleans which greatly benefitted the French. Joan of Arc leading the French to victory greatly affected history and she plays a very important role. Without her there's a chance France wouldn't have won the war.
  • Apr 6, 1453

    Constantinople falls to the Turks

    Constantinople falls to the Turks
    The fall Constantinople had a variety of different things that caused it, one of them being the Ottoman Empire taking claim of the Constantinople. During the fall of Constantinople, the Sultan Mehmed II from the Ottoman Empire Is who lead the Ottoman Empire to take down the byzantine empire. The reason the fall of Constantinople is so important is because of the events that followed. Constantinople turned into more of an islamic city and its now known as modern Istanbul.