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Middle Ages Timeline (500 AD - 1500 AD)

By rojo50
  • 500


  • 511

    clovis unites franks under christian rule

  • Nov 13, 732

    charles martel stops muslim invasions

  • Nov 13, 1066

    norman invasion of england

  • Nov 13, 1095

    first crusade begins

  • Nov 13, 1190

    empire weakens

  • Nov 13, 1215

    king john approves the magna carta

  • Nov 13, 1308

    the great schism

  • Nov 13, 1447

    bubonic plague hits europe

  • Nov 13, 1453

    hundred years war end with french victory

  • Nov 13, 1500


  • charlemagne crowned emperor by the pope

  • invasions caused the growth of feudalism

  • otto the great was crowned emperor

  • capetian dynasty begins france