Feb 22, 800
Manorial System
The Manor system is where a Lord ran the town and Peasants worked all day. Peasants then became Serfs and legally owned land. They often worked all day to pay for the rent and were owned by a Lord. Also paid for hunting which lead to leather or meat. They also gave a tenth to the local church called a tithe. Worked for the Lord unless holidays then they would have a feast and eat. They usually got 50 days off total. They ate white bread with grains and drank wine for the rich and clean water. -
Feb 1, 1000
New Agriculture
The population grew from the new technology and farming techniques they used. The population doubled and the towns became peaceful as invasions stopped. Food supply increased as the climate got warmer and the ice age stopped. Also Peasants farmed a lot more and became successful. Made Labor better and cheaper also used iron tools. They used Carruca that made fertilization faster and soil turn easier. The tool helped the town grow. The crop rotation also increased from two fields to three. -
Feb 23, 1098
New Religious Orders
The Cistericans were a group of Monks that found benedictine but did not have enough discipline. They had a strict diet,one robe, no decorations and prayed and worked more. Saint Bernard was in charge of the Crusades. Hildergard of Bingen was the first women composers. The Franciscans and the Dominicans were the new two religious groups. They worked and preached for poverty. They also worked and begged for food. They started torture to make people confess. They respected Saints and Relics. -
Feb 22, 1100
Trade and growth
The city of Venice developed mercantile fleet. Also Flanders traded with England, Scandinavia, France, and Germany.Later they had a system based on money rather than barter
called a money economy. Merchants settled in old Roman cities. They used the cities for protection and to trade. Each city had around 5,000 people. Only land towns and Manors brought the food. Patricians rigged the election to hold office. Cities were surrounded by walls but burned quickly. Waste would be in the streets. -
Feb 23, 1150
Papal Monarchy
The Papal Monarchy increased the political power and lowered their spiritual duties. The Popes also had all control of the Papal states. They had a feudal system. Abbots and Bishops were given the titles from the nobles. Church investors were given a ring and staff. They also had the Lay Investiture Pope Gregory VII eliminated it though. Henry then defeated Gregory and got all of Rome. Pope Innocent III stepped in around 1200 with the Interdict. He forbids priest from baptizing people. -
Feb 23, 1175
Religion in the High Middle Ages
Everyone's life depended on the church. Baptism, marriage and confession were ways to appreciate God. Only Clergy could deliver. Saints had special attention and could ask God for favors before the throne. They worshiped Saints or Relics which were objects of Saints. They believed Relics could bring miracles. Also they believed it lead to connection between Heaven and Earth. Jerusalem was the holy city and was the most important. In Rome it was common to visit Peter and Paul. -
Feb 24, 1200
Vernacular Literature
Latin was the universal language used in the Middle ages era. I was used in Church,school and everywhere else in Europe. In the twelfth century the Middle age people started to use a new literature called vernacular. The vernacular was a language of everyday speech in a particular region. They could speak the four main languages, Spain,French,English,and German.They also had heroic language or poetry named chanson de geste it was the earliest and finest. An example would be the Song of Roland -
Feb 24, 1250
By the eleventh and twelfth century many Churches were built in a Romanesque and Basilica. Basilicas were rectangular buildings with a flat wooden roof. Also they had very to no windows because of the massive stone walls. By the thirteenth century they made a Gothic style. They made buildings taller and upward towards God. These Churches were in the middle ages when their people belived in a spiritual world. -
Feb 24, 1300
The first university in Europe was in Bologna,Italy. The students were males only and learned about law. The first in northern Europe was in Paris. Many left Paris in 1300 to make their own university in Oxford.Students studied Grammar,Math,Rhetoric,Logic, and Music. They could earn degrees in Medicine,Law or Theology. Also it was greatly influence by philosophy and theology system called scholasticism. Aristotle- reached his conclusions by rational thought questioned Christianity. -
Feb 27, 1337
100 Years War (1337-1453)
The War began in 1337. The war began with territory between France and England. There was a huge change in warfare the peasant foot soldiers were chief winners of battle, not knights. France used more knights. Henry V won the battle of Agincourt in 1415. heavily armored France tried to attack Henry V with troops across a muddy field but they got struck and slaughtered. Many Nobles died during the battle. That was the End of the wars and England remained in power. -
Feb 27, 1377
Decline in Church Power
The popes of Avignon was a struggle between Pope Boniface VIII and King Philip IV of France caused a huge decline.Philip IV wanted tot he tax the clergy but the Pope says he can't because the Pope is in charge.A new Pope was elected after old fled.Citizens of Rome warned cardinals if they didn’t elect an Italian pope, they wouldn’t leave Rome alive.Two popes too many began The Great schism of the Church in 1378 John Hus called for the end of corruption and excessive papal power of the Church -
Feb 27, 1429
Joan of Arc
France had a new leader in charge named Charles VII. He got help from his seventeen year old daughter who is a peasant. Joan of Arc was a deeply religious women who had visions and believed saints had commanded her to save France. She was able to go with Charles to Orleans. at Orleans troops were inspired by Joan’s faith and seized Orleans. She turned the war but died before she could see it. Englland capture her in 1430 and the visions made her a witch. She was burned at the stake as a heretic.