middle ages

  • 476

    beginning middle ages

    The Middle Ages began in 476 with the disintegration of the Western Roman Empire.
  • Period: 476 to 1492

    Rise of Feudalism.

    Feudalism was a social system that emerged in the Frankish kingdom in the Early Middle Ages and spread throughout Western Europe during the Middle Ages.
  • 800


    On December 25, 800, the Frankish king Charlemagne was crowned Emperor of the Romans in St. Peter's Basilica in Rome.
  • Period: 800 to 850

    birth of the first universities

    The first universities were born in Europe in the 13th century when the Middle Ages were already declining and medieval humanists were preparing the way for the spirit of a new historical period: the Renaissance.
  • 1054

    Eastern Schism

    El Cisma fue la consecuencia de un proceso muy largo en el que el continuo choque de ideologías entre los que querían cambiar la religión y los que querían conservarlas, chocaron.
  • Period: 1073 to 1085

    Gregorian Reform

    Result of the measures adopted by the Roman pontiff Gregory VII (1073-1085).
  • 1200

    Mechanical clock

    Gunpowder was invented in China, approximately in the 9th century AD. The Byzantines and Arabs introduced it to Europe around 1200.
  • Period: 1269 to 1275

    discovery of the compass

    This instrument was invented by the Chinese in the 1st century and then brought to Europe by the Arabs in the 12th century. The compass was created to guide navigators crossing large seas, when there were no radars or other instruments that would allow them to know if they were on the right path.
  • 1440


    La invención de la imprenta se atribuye al alemán, Johannes Gutenberg en el año 1440. Gutenberg es considerado como “el padre de la imprenta”, tras años intentando disputarse el título entre franceses, italianos, holandeses y alemanes.
  • 1492

    middle age completion

    It ends with the fall of the Byzantine Empire at the hands of the Ottoman Turks in the 15th century (1453)