
Middle Ages

  • 200

    The Barbarian invasion of the Western Roman Empire.

    The Barbarian invasion of the Western Roman Empire.
    The Roman legion evacuated Great Britain in 406 AD.
    Anglo-Saxon enters Britannia
    The Huns pushed other groups westward and eventually entered the Roman territories.
    Aleric and Visigoths fired Rome, AD 410
    Destroyer invaded Spain, North Africa, and fired Rome in 455 AD
  • 476

    The last Western Roman Emperor is overthrown.

    The last Western Roman Emperor is overthrown.
    The last Western Roman Emperor Romulus Augustulus surrender to Odoacer. Romulus Augustus is considered to be the last Western Roman emperor. Ancient Rome was hijacked twice in the fifth century. In 410, a Visigoth army under the command of Alaric's siege, looted the city, 455 years, the Vandals attacked Rome, and their king Gina Popovich thinks he is a usurper emperor cold, Declare a peace treaty.
  • 793

    The Vikings begin attacking Christian settlements.

    The Vikings begin attacking Christian settlements.
    Viking Age is arbitrarily defined as 793-1066 years. Europeans by the Vikings attack through trade. Christian churches arrived Viking man's land at the end of the Viking Age. Vikings attack does not comply with some of the principles of the Christian Church, and so the arrival of the decline of the church attacks are embedded in Chapter 9 Bjarnar saga Hítdælakappa of.
  • 793

    The Vikings begin attacking Christian settlements.

    The Vikings begin attacking Christian settlements.
    Viking Age is arbitrarily defined as 793-1066 years. Europeans by the Vikings attack through trade. Christian churches arrived Viking man's land at the end of the Viking Age. Vikings attack does not comply with some of the principles of the Christian Church, and so the arrival of the decline of the church attacks are embedded in Chapter 9 Bjarnar saga Hítdælakappa of.
  • 800

    Charlemagne is crowned as Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire

    Charlemagne is crowned as Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire
    Charlemagne, king of the Franks in 768, 774 years of Lombard kings, 800 years and Holy Roman Emperor. He unified most of the Middle East and the Middle East. Since the demise of the Western Roman Empire three centuries ago, he was the first emperor to rule from Western Europe. Charlemagne established the expansion of the Frankish country, called the Carolingian Empire. He was later Antipope Paschal III seal.
  • Oct 14, 1066

    the Normans conquer England

    the Normans conquer England
    Edward died in January 1066, his brother-in-law Harold Goldwinson inherited by him. the king of Norwegian invaddd ENglan and took over the kingdom, but Harold killed him on 9.25. after that Herold's army fought against William's invader on 10.14
  • 1099

    The First Crusade captures Jerusalem from the Muslims.

    The First Crusade captures Jerusalem from the Muslims.
    After 450 years of Muslim rule, Jerusalem was conquered by the first Crusaders of Christianity in 1099. 1187 was Ayyubids conquered again. Until Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor in 1229 successfully negotiated return. In 1244, the city was occupied Khwarazmian dynasty, largely destroyed. After 1250, it was ruled by the Sultanate of Mamluk and gradually rebuilt in the late 13th century.
  • 1270

    The last Crusade fails.

    The last Crusade fails.
    France's Louis IX failed to occupy Tunisia in the Eighth Crusade, so that England's son Edward Henry III took the so-called ninth Crusade to Aker. The ninth Crusade was an impressive victory for the Edwards on Baibars. Eventually, the Crusaders were forced to withdraw, and Edward had raised the issue of domestic conflicts in the remaining Outremer area. Crusader spirit of this period almost "extinct."