Middle Ages

  • 580 BCE

    Birth of Hippcrates

    Birth of Hippcrates
    The Greek father (Hippocrates)of medicine invents aspirin as the first form of medicine.
  • 460 BCE

    The theory of humors

    This is a system the ancient Egyptians considered a medicine. they used this to determine how your bodily fluids were linked to the human health.
  • Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1300

    Middle Ages

  • Period: Jan 1, 1301 to


  • 1330

    Spell remedies

    Locals would turn to spells and incantations as well as herbal remedies to heal.
  • 1402

    Leonardo Da Vinci

    Leonardo Da Vinci
    Leonardo Da Vinci dissects corpses to find out why people die and what causes such a "sweet death". He dissects more than 9 people throughout the whole process.
  • 1436

    Pagan folk medicine

    Pagan folk medicine
    The greeks used many folk healing practices aswell as dream healing.
  • 1492

    Classical medicine

    Anatomic medicine could be used on both animals and humans.
  • 1500


    Spiritual centers where medical practices took place.
  • 1543

    Vesalius Discovery

    Vesalius Discovery
    Vesalius discovers and publishes his finding on the human anatomy and medicine.
  • The Microscope

    The Microscope
    Zacharious Jannssen invents the microscope to be able to see tiny particles. -used in the medical field.
  • William Harvey

    Publishes an anatomical study of the hearts motion and how it works as well as our arteries and blood vessels.
  • Canine blood discovery

    Christopher Wren experiments with canine blood to find out if its vessels are the same as ours.
  • Anton Van Leeuwenhok

    Anton Van Leeuwenhok
    Anoton discovers blood cells and observes bacteria and its relationship to humans.
  • Cataract treatment

    A treatment that helps the blind, it is an operation where you replace clouded lens with and artificial lens.
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • Anesthetics

    Sir Humphrey Davy discovers the anesthetic properties of nitrous oxide.
  • William Morton

    William the dentist is the first to publish how the process of anesthetics work.
  • Puerperal Fever

    Ignaz Semmelweis discovers how to prevent the transmission of Puerperal fever.
  • The Syringe

    The Syringe
    Charles Gabriel Pravaz and Alexander Wood develop the syringe to help in the medical field.
  • Vaccine

    A vaccine was invented for rabies by Louis Pasteur.
  • Period: to

    Modern World

  • Cancer therapy

    Cancer fingerprinting is used to analyze mutated genes, tumors and how the body will be effected. This helps in finding out what can be done to try and stop or slow the process.
  • Vitamins

    Frederick Hopkins a biochemist discovers vitamins and understands vitamin deficiency.
  • Louis Pasteur

    A chemist and microbiologist from France that founded medical micrbiology in the health industry.
  • Effective psoriasis medication

    Effective psoriasis medication
    For those who suffer chronic skin condition, this is used to achieve clearence on the skin, helps kill off extra skin and bacteria.
  • Gene Therapy

    Gene Therapy
    This is used to modify someones DNA to treat disease and to prevent further sickness than what has already occurred.
  • Cure for hepatitis C

    A new drug called sofusbovier is used to help patients avoid the treatment and improve the rate of which the hepetitus.
  • Opiod treatment

    Probuphine is used as a painkiller that helps administer low doses to help support their recovery process.
  • Hormones for heart

    Hormones for heart treatment is for patients at risk of heart failure, this drug helps them improve the amount of relaxin in the body.
  • Period: to

    21st Century

  • Treatment for cluster headaches

    Treatment for cluster headaches
    This is helped by implanting a small device behind the upper jaw which sends electrical pulses that stop the headaches from being a migraine.
  • Graphene

    Cheap high quality Graphene is used for strength and high controlled medical treatment and solar cells.
  • The new class of antibiotics

    A new type of ant- biotics called teixobactin that can kill off serious infections and resist encounter.