Middle ahes

Middle Ages

  • 350

    Barbaric invasions

    Barbaric invasions
    Barbaric tripes come into Rome to steal there land to find a better place to live from 350 - 800 A.D
  • Period: 350 to Dec 15, 1500

    Begining to End

    From the start of the Middle ages to the begining of the Renaissance
  • 410

    Rome Falls

    Rome Falls
    The Roman Empire has been split into two sections. The Western Roman Empire is still ruled by Rome. But the Visogoth king attacked Rome for 3 days. The Roman emperor, Romulus Augustus was thrown out of Rome by German invader Odoacer.
  • 412

    Eastern Roman Empire

    Eastern Roman Empire
    Emperor Constantine the first has made Constantinople his after he took it over in 330. Walls were built to protect the villagers and the city safe
  • Dec 16, 741

    Muslim Invasion

    Muslim Invasion
    Muslims started to take over land from the south but Charles Martel ended the raid in 732.
  • Dec 16, 1000

    Villages becoming City Sates

    Villages becoming City Sates
    Rome, Florence, Venice, and other Italians towns become city-states. Then Fuedalism begins within those new city states on the Land.
  • Dec 16, 1096

    The First Crusade

    The First Crusade
    Alot of the Villages don't like their Villagers following into the forbidden land of different Religions. So There would be wars on the different Holy Lands.
  • Dec 16, 1215

    Magna Carta is Signed

    Magna Carta is Signed
    Rebels go against King John of England. But they have no ruler to take his place. Instead they have him sign a document. Stating that there is no exact right of a King
  • Dec 16, 1337

    The French War

    The French War
    Edward III of England declares war on France since he thinks he should also be king of that country. The fighting continues on until about 1453.
  • Dec 16, 1347

    The Black Death

    The Black Death
    A terrible plague that hit the shores of Italy, that was said that came in on Merchant boats and was said that it killed almost 1/3rd of the population.
  • Dec 16, 1429

    Joan of Arc

    Joan of Arc
    Joan of Arc wins the Battle of Orleans for France during the Hundred Years War. She continues to fight, encouraging her troops in their war against the English, until she is captured. and acused of a Witch and then burned to the Steak.
  • Dec 16, 1500

    Beginning of the Renaissance

    Beginning of the Renaissance
    The beginning of the Renaissance was more like a rebirth of Classical literature. From different styles of learning to new Art being made by artists around the world.
  • Charlemagne becomes Ruler

    Charlemagne becomes Ruler
    Charels Martels grandson Charlemagne becomes the new Frank King.He is crowned "Emperor of the Romans" in 800 by Pope Leo III. Charlemagne died in 814. The first castles are built around this time.
  • The Kingdom Splits up

    The Kingdom Splits up
    After Charlemagne's son dies, the kingdom is split into three. In order to protect them selfs Kingships were made
  • Alfred the Great of England

    Alfred the Great of England
    Alfred the Great defeats the Danes (Vikings) in 878. In 886 he captures London. He signs a treaty, splitting England between him and the Danes or known as the Vikings