Louis Pasteur
Chemist and biologist. Known for his discoveries of vaccination, microbial fermentation and pasteurization. Pasteurization is when bacteria is destroyed by heating beverages and then allowing them to cool. He demonstrated that organisms such as bacteria were responsible for souring wine, beer and even milk. He also discovered the vaccine for chicken cholera. He expanded the experiments of the germ theory eventhough he was not part of the scientists that discovered. -
Joseph Lister
British surgeon. Pioneer of antiseptic surgery. Discovered the idea of sterile surgery by using carbolic acid known as phenol to clean surgical instruments and wounds. His discovery decreased the infections that effects patients after having surgery. Physicians started using chlorinated lime instead of water and that reduced mortality of pueperal disease,a contagious disease caused by an infection passed to pregnant women by their doctors. -
Rudolf Emmerich and Oscar Low
German physicians. Discovered Pyocyanase - the first antibiotic used in hospitals. They were the first to make an effective medication for microbes. They proved in their experiment that the germs that would cause one disease, may be the cure for another. In their experiment they used infected bandages and grow them in a test tube. This germ was a bacteria called Bacillus pyocyaneus and then they put that into another test tube containing other types of bactera and it killed the other bacteria. -
SmithKline Beecham- Thomas Beecham
Thomas Beecham: chemist and founder of large pharmaceutical bussinesses (Beechams). GlaxoSmithKline plc (GSK) is a British multinational pharmaceutical, biologics, vaccines and consumer healthcare company. -
Howard Florey and Ernst Chain
Biochemists, contributed the discovery of penicillin by completing Felming's discovery, and released it to the public. Penicillin is one of the most important discovery in medicine. -
Sir Alexander Fleming
Biologist, and pharmacologist.Discovered the first real antibiotic. He discovered antibiotic substance of penicillin from the mold of Penicillium notatum. He also discovered lysozyme, an enzyme occurring in many body fluids, such as tears. -
Gerhard Domagk
Pathologist and bacteriologist. Founded first comercially available antibiotic: Sulfonamidochrysoidine ( part fo the Prontosil brand). -
Selman Waksman
Biochemist and microbiologist. His research focused on organisms that live in the soil and their decomposition which led to his discovery of streptomycin-first antibiotic for tuberculosis. He also discovered many other antibiotics. -
Lloyd Conover
Invented the first antibiotic made by chemically modifying a naturally-produced drug. Discovered tetracycline, and it became one of the most frequently prescribed antibiotics in the United States for treating bacterial infections for several decades. -
1st “bug” to become resistant to penicillin
Staphylococcus aureus was the first bug that became resistant to penicillin. This bacteria causes pneumonia.