
  • Anton von Leeuwenhoek begins Microbiology.

    Anton von Leeuwenhoek begins Microbiology.
    As the first one to view living microorganisms, Anton von Leeuwenhoek marks the beginning of Microbiology.
  • First smallpox vaccination

    First smallpox vaccination
    Edward Jenner performs the first
    vaccinations against smallpox
  • Ignaz Semmelweis suggests hand-washing

    Ignaz Semmelweis suggests hand-washing
    Gives the idea of hand-washing when assisting in childbirth.
  • Louis Pasteur begins the Golden Age of Microbiology

    Louis Pasteur begins the Golden Age of Microbiology
    Discovered that yeast causes the fermentation of wine. Begins the Golden Age of Microbiology
  • Rudolf Virchow introduces biogenesis

    Rudolf Virchow introduces biogenesis
    Introduced the theory of living cells only coming from pre-existing living cells.
  • Louis Pasteur disproved spontaneous generation

    Louis Pasteur disproved spontaneous generation
    Demonstrated microorganisms are in the air everywhere by boiling broth for many days without contamination.
  • Ferdinand J. Cohn begins the science of bacteriology

    Ferdinand J. Cohn begins the science of bacteriology
  • Robert Koch confirms the Germ Theory of Disease

    Robert Koch confirms the Germ Theory of Disease
    Validated the Germ Theory of Disease, while studying anthrax, proving illnesses are not caused by evil spirits.
  • Albert Neisser identifies Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

    Albert Neisser identifies Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
    Neisser may have been the first to link chronic illnesses to microbes.
  • Hans Christian Gram creates the gram stain

    Hans Christian Gram creates the gram stain
    This is now used to determine gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.
  • Escherich identifies Escherichia coli

    Escherich identifies Escherichia coli
  • Dmitri Iosifovich Ivanovski discovers viruses

    Dmitri Iosifovich Ivanovski discovers viruses
  • The accidental creation of penicillin

    The accidental creation of penicillin
    Alexander Fleming discovers the first antibiotic when he accidentally left some cultures in a lab. Later fungus Penicillium contaminated and no bacteria was near it.
  • Chain and Abraham shows evidence of antibiotic resistance

    E coli. was found to produce a substance that inactivates pencillin. First evidence of antibiotic resistance is shown.
  • The term 'antibiotic' is created

    The term 'antibiotic' is created
  • First penicillin resistant bacterium

    Just after 4 years of the discovery of penicillin, a bacterium gain resistance towards it.
  • First fecal transplant

    First fecal transplant
    The first case of fecal transplant took place by Eiseman. It was successful.
  • MRSA first detected in Britain

    Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus is detected. It is now common in hospitals.
  • Woese discovers Archaea

    Woese discovers Archaea
    Using analysis of RNA, archaea is discovered.
  • Smallpox officially eliminated

  • Prusiner discovers prions

    Prusiner discovers prions
    The infectious protein microbe is discovered.
  • NASA found bacteria-like fossils in rock on Mars

  • World's first light-activated antimicrobial material created

    World's first light-activated antimicrobial material created
    Two simples dyes with nanoscopic particles of gold is found to be deadly to bacteria when activated by light; also found to work in the dark.