Mar 6, 1475
Michelangelo is born
Michelangelo was born on March 6th, 1475. He later grows up to be a famous artist, known for his incredible sculpture's and paintings. -
Period: Mar 6, 1475 to
Michelangelo - the Photograph
Mar 23, 1499
Pietà is finished
Michelangelo finished another one of his creations in 1499. The Pietà is a sculpture of Jesus' body on the lap of his mother Mary after he had been crucified. This work was mainly knows for how life like and real he made Jesus and Mary look. It was amazing what he could make out of a block of stone. -
Jan 25, 1504
Michelangelo Finishes the David
On 25 January 1504, Michelangelo completes his sculpture of the David. The sculture consists of many components of Renaissance art such as realism, humanism and expressions. Art played a huge role during the Renaissance. Artists wanted to acheive the idea of creating a piece of work that looks real, like it was an actual scene or person not a painting or sculpture. -
Nov 12, 1512
The Sistine Chapel is Finished
Although known for his amazing sculpting skills he also happened to be a painter as well. In 1508 he was asked to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, years later in 1512 his work was revealed, and to this day people go to see his work of art. The ceiling is meant to show the nine episodes from the Book of Genesis. -
Feb 18, 1564
Michelangelo's death
Michelangelo, one of the most famous artists/ sculptors ever, dies on February 18th, 1564. Because he is such an amazing artist, many people will be inspired by him and take what he has done and try to do the same or improve it. His artwork always used realism and incoorporated many deatails. These are some of the things artists take and try and do themselves. will remember. (this is the tomb he is now held in) -
Baroque Art
Baroque Art was started in 1600. It was usually used for religous purposes. Many artists used it to show their love for God. This was during a time period where a religion had just split in two. The Catholics and the Protestants used it as weapons in the religious wars. Michelangelo painted and sculpted many things that were related to religion, and made them very life like. -
Industrial Revolution Begins
The Industrial Revolution was a major transition that switched our normal hand production methods to machines, chemical manufacturing and more advanced production processes. This was the era of new inventions and ideas. -
Realism Art: The First Sign of Photographs
Realism is a major component of art and also was where the idea of a picture or photograph started. Realism was really started by many artists of the Renaissance, one being Michelangelo. Realism is making your creation look as life like as possible, whether it's a scene in nature or a person. The artists goal was to make their work look exactly like what they see. (like a photogragh) -this is probably where people got the idea of photography -
The First Photographic Image: Failed
Joseph Niepce achieves the first photographic image with his camera obscura. However, the image needed many hours of light and exposure and then later faded away. -
Daguerre and Niépce become parteners
In 1829, Daguerre had formed a partnership with Niépce. They were both interested in the same problem.They wanted to be able to create a permanent image of whatever they wanted using light and chemistry. Together they work on the invention of photography for many years. (Daguerre on the left, Niépce on the right) -
The Invention of the Photograph becomes Public
On August 19, 1839 the revolutionary process was made public. The step by step process was explained, and the first picture is shown. It is a picture out the window of the place where Daguerre spent his time working. Daguerre named this process after himself, it is called the Daguerreotype. -
Selling the Daguerreotype
In 1839, after correcting the process of photography, Daguerre and Niepce's son sold the rights for the Daguerreotype to the French government and also published a book describing the process. Their invention gained a lot of popularity, and clearly life today would be quite different without it.